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Looking Ahead: 

Semester Finals Thursday, May 24th, 8 am



Students continued their review/preparation for finals. Attached you can find the worked-out answer


HW: none - review as needed.


Today we began the official review section. The review packet is structured by chapter; if you find that one section in particular is difficult, please review your notes and use your quiz prep packets and quizzes as additional study guides. Keep in mind that all note can be found on this page; simply scroll down until you get to the section you want to work on. (look for the names of the attached files to find the right spot on this page) 

Students had already received their review packets earlier this week; please see below for the file as well as the numerical key. A worked out key will follow on Monday - until then, work on your own!


HW: none - review as needed.


We completed the semester today with section 12.6 - surface area and volume of spheres.


HW:please complete the section 12.6 worksheet


We took the last assessment of the school year today - we're almost done :)

The quiz has been graded and posted in RenWeb - students did really well! I have also exempted everyone's lowest quiz grade, so most quarter grades went up a little. 


HW: none - enjoy the nice weather!


We finished reviewing volumes of prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cones - key 


HW: Please go over the 12.4-12.5 prep packet as well as the 12.2-12.3 packet we did last week!


We made it through section 12.5: Volume of Pyramids and Cones


HW: Section 12.5 worksheet .


We made it through section 12.4: Volume of Prisms and cylinders


HW: Extra Credit Option for up to 8 homework points: Section 12.4 worksheet .


We spent the day doing the scheduled quiz review and tomorrow we will move on with new content.


HW: finish section 12.2/12.3 quiz prep worksheet .


We are back on track - the extra day cost us enough time to take the 12.2/12.3 quiz (We are still doing the prep activity tomorrow, but will skip the assessment; I'm sure most students are happy with this change of plans


HW: Section 12.3 worksheet.


Yesterday certainly didn't work as expected - we took some extra time to go over the homework assignment and then began section 12.3. We will finish this section tomorrow.


HW: Section 12.2 worksheet.


We finished our section 11 test today. 


HW: none


We began the last unit of the school year: Section 12 deals with area and volume calculations of geometric solids, and today we covered surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders. Somehow, the class period felt really short today, so make sure you catch up on any missing pieces in the class notes file below.


HW: Section 12.2 worksheet.


We finished our test review today. Please see below for the worked-out answers. 


HW: please prepare your "cheat sheet"!


We began with our two-day test review. We didn't get quite as far as I had hoped; please see the attached key to get the worked-out answers for questions 1-9.


HW: please complete #10-18 of the test review.


We completed section 11.6 today (see yesterday's post for a copy of the student notes) and will began with our extensive, two-day test review tomorrow.


HW: pp. 765-666, #1-4, 6-16, 19-21, 23-33 (all)  


We began work on section 11.6 today. It is a complex topic, so we will take two days to cover it in detail.


HW: Section 11.6 worksheet (see attached below)



We took the 11.4/11.5 Graded Assignment today. Students will receive their grades back on Monday.


HW: new Khan Academy LTA


Since many students were absent due to the second World History Field Trip, we spent our class time on a (relatively) fun Algebra review. This was solely a classroom assignment; absent students do not need to make it up.


HW: none


We went through the quiz prep packet today; please see below for the key. The quiz will take place on Friday since a large group of students will be absent tomorrow.


HW: none


We made it through section 11.5 today: we can now calculate the area of sectors of circles :)

Tomorrow we will go through the quiz prep packet; please note that we won't take the quiz until Friday, though, because a large group of students will be absent due to a history field trip on Thursday.


HW: pp. 758-759, #3-9, 11-18, 20-31


We made it through section 11.5 today: we can now calculate the area of sectors of circles :)

Tomorrow we will go through the quiz prep packet; please note that we won't take the quiz until Friday, though, because a large group of students will be absent due to a history field trip on Thursday.


HW: pp. 758-759, #3-9, 11-18, 20-31


We covered section 11.4 today and can now determine arc lengths as well as arc measures. This should be a fairly intuitive extension of our work with proportions in similar figures and measuring arcs in degrees.


HW: pp. 749-750, #3-11, 15-29 (all) 


Today was a half day, so we spent the time on reviewing all sorts of equations /inequalities....


HW: new Khan LTA


Students took their 11.1-11.3 Quiz today. With quite a few students absent, graded quizzes won't be returned until Monday.


HW: none


We went through homework corrections and the quiz prep worksheet. Please see attached files below for solutions!


HW: study for the quiz!


We finished section 11.3 today (ratios of perimeters/areas of similar polygons) and are now ready for the 11.1-11.3 quiz on Thursday. We did some review (see attached worksheet) in class and will go through the official quiz prep tomorrow :)


HW: pp. 740/741, #3-11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22


We made it through section 11.2 (areas of trapezoids, kites and rhombuses) and also briefly went through the corrected section 10 test. Students, as always, can make corrections to improve their grade!


HW: pp. 733/734, #3-5, 7-12, 16-29


We took our section 10 Test today


HW: none


We are now working on section 11.1: areas - for the time being, we are looking at polygons; all of which have area formulas that are based on rectangles.


HW: New Khan Academy LTA


We finished the test review (see key attached below.) STUdents seem to have a firm grip on sections 10.1-10.5 (finding angle and arc measurements) and 10.7 (equations of circles), but some will benefit from reviewing section 10.1 (lengths of chord/secant segments; see April 5) 


HW: create your cheat sheet!


We began our test review today with a recap of finding angles in connections with chords, secants and tangents. Today's problems are WAY more complicated than the ones students will encounter during their tests, but are a good gauge for how well they have grasped the underlying concepts.


HW: Section 10 Test Prep WS, odd #s only


We finished section 10.7 today. Once again, we spent some time on extra practice before we begin with the test review for section 10 tomorrow. 


HW: pp. 702/703, #3-10, 17-25, 27-30

(PS: I forgot to assign a new Khan LTA assignment on Friday, so we will skip this assignment this week)


Today we started working on section 10.7, equations of circles. For some students, this was a welcome return to Algebra-type problems! Because this section is a bit different from the regular geometry fare, tends to show up on PSAT/SAT questions, and because of the parallels with/connections to quadratics, we will spend two days on this part and another two days on test prep for next week's section 10 Test.


HW: new Khan Academy LTA


We began work on section 10.6 - finding distances of intersecting segments (tangents, secants and chords) in connection with circles. This is largely an extension of sections 10.4 and 10.5 - the formulas can be deduced reasonably well.


HW: pp. 692/693, #3-11, 13-15, 17-18 (all)


Students took their 10.4-10.5 graded assignment today and will receive their grades tomorrow. What I have seen so far looks excellent!


HW: none. Enjoy!


We finished section 10.5 and started on our quiz review. Please see below for a worked out answer key. 


HW: complete the odd numbered questions on the quiz prep to be ready for tomorrow's assessment!


We finished section 10.4 (the homework assignment covers this section), and completed most of section 10.5. We will finish it tomorrow and then work on our quiz review.


HW: pp. 676-677, #3-8, 10-15, 19-25 (all)


Students received their quiz grades and then we moved on to section 10.4. Due to the shortened class periods, we did not finish the section and will do so on Monday.


HW: Khan Academy LTA due tomorrow, new Khan Academy LTA due next weekend (April 9th) 


We took our 10.1-10.3 quiz today. Students will receive their grades tomorrow


HW: None 


We finished our quiz review and are all set for tomorrow's quiz. The geometry content is fairly easy - please make sure to review the necessary algebraic concepts to solve quadratic equations, though!


HW: Study!


Day 1 of quiz prep - more Algebra review (multiplying polynomials) and we started with the geometry review sheet (see below for the sheet and homework answers)


HW: 10.1-10.3 quiz prep sheet, odd #s only.


We have completed section 10.3

 today and are now ready to take our quiz next week. Quiz prep will take two days this time - in total we will spend one day on the geometry content, and another one to boost algebra skills. In practice, we will do some of each on both Monday and Tuesday.


HW: New Khan Academy LTA - Due 3/31


As planned, the only "geometry" we did today were the homework corrections. After that, we went through Algebra problems. I am actively trying to provide students will all necessary tools to be successful in Algebra II next year, so expect exercises like this one to crop up regularly from now on.


HW: please complete the odd numbers of the Algebra Review - Quadratics.


We made it all the way through section 10.2 today - working with arcs in a circle. Keep in mind that an arc is a part of a circle (think "curved line segment"), and while it can be measured in degrees (shape!), congruity also requires size (size = radius!)

Tomorrow, many students will be absent from JPII due a field trip, so we are  spending a day on geometry-themed quadratics review.

Edit on 3/23: A student just notified me that I had mis-labelled and wrongly posted the class notes for 3/21 - the error has been corrected; the corrct notes are now attached below. Thank you , Matthew!! 


HW: pp.661/662, #3-10(all), #12-14(all), #16, #18


We completed section 10.1 today and can now determine if a segment is tangent to a circle or calculate lengths of tangents


HW: pp656-657, #17-26, 34 (all)


I apologize for posting this a day late... We began Section 10 and covered some vocabulary and basic conditions for circles.


HW: pp655-656, #3-10, 12-13, 15-17, 35-36 (all)


We finished the Transformations review. After Spring Break we will begin with Unit 10 (Circles)


HW: none.... But please keep in mind that the Khan Academy LTA assigned last week will need to be completed before school resumes :)


We began our quick Section 9 overview today. Some of this is a review of middle school material, with some coordinate geometry thrown in for good measure. 


HW: none - it's almost time for spring break!


We finished Section 8 today. Section 8.6 was a quick recap, and instead of a test or additional quiz to finish section 8, we instead began the chapter 8 review. I will collect completed homework assignment tomorrow and will correct students' work - this will count as a grade!  


HW: Section 8 Review sheet, odd #s only


We covered Section 8.5 today and are almost done with section 8. Giving a test right before Spring Break would not allow students the time to make corrections. Since we have plenty of grades for this grading period together, we will not have an end-of-section test for Section 8 and instead cover the supplemental material in Section 9 (Transformations)


HW: pp. 546-547, #3-15, 18-23, 25-30, 32 (all)


The shortened periods didn't leave us much time to work with today - we made it through the abridged 8.3-8.4 graded assignment, though :)


HW: Khan Academy LTA! The current one is due, and a new one will be posted tonight!


We are back at work and covered section 8.4 (special parallelograms) today. This was in part a review of biconditionals, converses, and conditional statements reminiscent of the first few chapters we covered in the first semester. Being precice counts!


HW: pp. 537-539, 3-17 (all), 19-24 (all), 32-51 (all)


We spent the day going over homework corrections and the quiz review. Please keep in mind that some of the "old" content (trigonometric ratios, Pythagoras, special triangles) are considered part of your mathematical toolbox now - problems may require you to use these skills!


HW: study for quiz!


I am at the freshmen retreat on Monday and Tuesday. During my absence, students will complete a much needed Algebra review.

Students are assigned a Khan Academy assignment that is due on Tuesday, February 27th. These will count as a classwork assignment, not as a quiz grade, even though there are "quiz" assignments among them. Students will have access to laptops to work on them during class.

Students will also receive a hardcopy Algebra Review as a homework assignment. These problems go along with the Khan Academy assignments - use the online resources available to you! (You should be able to get quite a good part of them done in class!)


HW: Finish the Algebra Review packet (see below). I will pick these up on Wednesday - do your best and show your work! 


We went through yesterday's quiz - students did very well :) - and then made it through section 8.3.



HW: New Khan Academy Assignment


We took the 8.1-8.2 Multiple Choice quiz , then students received their test grades for the Section 7tests and then we began an Algebra Review worksheet - solving quadratic equations was a requirement on one of the test questions, and this turned out to be very tricky for quite a few students...


HW: Algebra Review Worksheet


We discussed the homework answers and then went on to go through our quiz review. Solutions are attached below (#11 had a typo; it's corrected in the solution set posted below.


HW: Study!


We covered section 8.2 today (parallelograms and their properties) and spent a little time on Algebra I review topics.


HW: Pages 518-519, (3-11 all, 13-15 all, 17-28 all, 30, 31, 34, 36, 37)


We began work on section 8 today and are now working with polygons.


HW: section 8.1 worksheet; see attached below


We took the Section 7 test today.


HW: New Khan Academy Assignment!


We went over the test review. The solutions/key handed out to the students had two typos (#s 18 and 24). Both have been corrected in the attached file.


HW: Create your cheat sheet


Please make sure to have your calculator charged/with good batteries for tomorrow!!

Looking ahead: 

Chapter 7 Test: Feb 16


Due to today's longer mass, our already shortened class time became even shorter, so we didn't have quite as much time for homework review as I would have liked. Problems 30 and 31 seemed to puzzle quite a few students; they were not intrinsically hard, but time consuming and required numerous steps. Since we couldn't cover them in detail in school today, please see the attached document below.

We revisited finding the value of an angle if we know the ratio of the tangent (we briefly discussed how to do this last Thursday), and then practiced using the inverse of sine and cosine as well. Things went along smoothly and we should be all ready for test preparations tomorrow and the test on Friday.


HW: Test Review - multiples of 4 only


We briefly went over the (graded) assignment from yesterday. By and large, students were very successful, but some need to stay attentive and make sure not to make careless and/or oversight mistakes (never assume!!).

We completed section 7.6 today and have now covered all main trigonometric ratios - and all main topics for Friday's test!


HW: pp. 478-479, #22-27 (all), 30, 31, 33-36 (all)


We completed the 7.3-7.4 Graded Assignment today


HW: none :)


We continued to work on the quiz prep packet. This part of geometry requires a certain amount of spacial reasoning skills. Some students struggle a bit more with this than others, so I attempted to create an algebra-type table to give the approach more structure. 

My first attempt was lacking a bit, though, so attached find version 2.0.

However, there is absolutely no requirement to use the table!!


HW: new Khan Academy assignment!


We covered section 7.5: Special Triangles. This proved to be a bit tricky, so I have decided to not cover this on our quiz this Friday, instead only covering sections 7.3 and 7.4


HW: pages 470-471, #18-30 (even), 31-38 (all) 


We worked on our quiz prep for sections 7.3/7.4. Since the sophomores (5th period) girls will be absent tomorrow, I have moved the quiz to Monday - this will also give us more review time!


HW: go over the quiz prep packet!


Both PAP Geometry courses are on par again! We finished/reviewed section 7.4 (see 2/2 for the rest of the 7.4 slides) and are now ready for section 7.5.


HW: Section 7.4 worksheet


Today PAP Geometry was split: 1st period did a Pythagoras-Bingo activity while 5th period began to catch up from last week.

5th period notes: Please see the notes from 2/1 (rest of section 7.3) and 2.2 (section 7.4, we covered the first 8 slides)


HW: Section 7.3 worksheet (1st period already did this last Thursday.)



Today was another irregular day... Due to the water-main-break incident, the school day ended before the scheduled 5th period PAP class. Below are the notes and the handout for 1st period; 5th period will complete the same work on Monday. 

Note that the homework assignment listed at the bottom of the page DOES NOT have to be completed.


HW: for all PAP students: New Khan Academy Assignment, due next week! (remember that the current one is due tomorrow!)



We took the section 7.1-7.2 quiz today. Our senior luncheon rearranged the after-lunch schedule somewhat, so the 5th period geometry class was significantly shorter...we will catch up tomorrow!


HW: 1st period PAP Geometry finished work on section 7.3 and assigned worksheet 7.3. 5th period PAP Geometry will do this tomorrow.


We began work on section 7.3 today and spent the last fifteen minutes of class on a quiz review for tomorrow. Remember to have Pythagorean Triples and perfect squares up to 15 memorized!


HW: Section Section 7.1-7.3 Quiz review (solutions are available below; work needs to be shown for homework credit!).

Section 6 Test

Jan 26th

We moved on to Section 7.2 and have added some more theorems to our tool box.



HW: p.444-445, #3-23 (odds only), #27-31 (all), #33








We began to work on Chapter 7. Section 7.1 felt quite easy; it is some theoretical background on the well-known and already much-used Pythagorean Theorem and then introduces some practical applications, i.e. word problems.



HW: p.436-438, # 3-5, 8-10 (use a calculator), 11-16, 18-23, 24-26, 28-30. 

        Memorize perfect squares up to 15, and the first two Pythagorean Triples - watch out for multiples!










We took our Chapter 6 Test today.



HW:    Khan Academy LTA is due on Saturday (many students have expressed that they struggle

           to finish homework on a Friday - even if they had an entire week to do it - so I have extended the due date by one day.


           New Khan Academy LTA due next week!


We began with our test review over chapter 6 (see attached.) Some questions are "challenge"

questions; while these will not be on the test because they extend beyond the key concepts

taught in teh current selection, students should be able to solve them by incorporating some

Algebra I specific concepts (factoring, etc)


HW: none - no homework day due to the Archbishop's evening visit to JPII​










We completed section 6.6 today. Since quite some students seem to have a hard time with square roots, we are doing a review assignment for homework tonight.


HW: Simplifying Square Roots Worksheet








We spent the day on reviewing Chapter 6 content. Again, the "challenge" questions won't be on the test! The attached "notes" file shows all the (numerical) answers; please do note that it neither shows the required algebraic work, (all) full proofs, nor answer sentences!


Should you need additional explanations, feel free to send me an email.


HW: create your 2.5"x3" "cheat sheet"







Section 6.1-6.4 Quiz

Jan 18th

Students completed their quiz today. 


HW: no new assignment - make sure to have the assignment from Wednesday ready!



We began work on Section 6.5 today. Students seem to prefer having guided notes, you will continue to see these posted here in case they get lost. Please note that the completed notes can still be found in the attached .pdf document


HW: Last week's Khan Academy LTA is due tomorrow (Jan. 20th); a new assignment is posted and will be due next Friday (Jan 26)



We went through the quiz from last Thursday and then began work on section 6.6., which we will complete tomorrow. By Thursday, we will be in full-on review mode for our section 6 test.


HW: pp. 400-402, #3-7, 9-11, 21, 24








We finished section 6.4 today and students will complete their quiz as planned tomorrow. Unlike for past quizzes, we did not spend a day on quiz review this time, but since section 6 so far was largely a review of middle school proportional reasoning, I do not feel that this would a wise way to spend precious instructional time.

I will be absent from JPII tomorrow due to a training event at Antonian in San Antonio; Ms Phelan (1st period) and Mr. Wood (5th period) will administer the quiz in my absence


HW: p. 384-387, #3-14 (all), 21-29 (all), 32, 34, 36 (due Friday, 1/19).






1/16/2018 - Inclement Weather Day


This day is somewhat inconvenient in regards to the scheduled quiz on Thursday. JPII teachers adhere to a schedule designed to ensure that students don't take too many test on on day. Important mathematics assignment thus always happen on "even" calendar days. The next even day would be Monday - never a good day to test, and the one following that would be next Wednesday - almost a week later. Hence, students will still take the quiz on Thursday, but the quiz will only cover sections 6.1-6.4, not 6.1-6.5, as originally planned.


1/15/2018 - Dr. Martin Luther King Day


Section 6.1-6.5 Quiz

Jan 18th

We took a day to work with similar triangles and the odd concept that triangles in math problems

aren't always drawn to scale. 


HW: There is a new LTA on Khan Academy; it's due next Friday 1/20.


We made it through (most of) section 6.3 and have encountered the topic of "similarity." Fairly soon we will use this concept in proofs, but for now, it's all about application, proportional reasoning, and algebra practice.


HW: Section 6.3 worksheet 


We made it through section 6.2. We are now actively using proportions to solve geometry problems.


Homework: p. 367-370, #4-20, multiples of four only



We are back at work and spent the class period on starting the next section. Section 6.1 reviews proportional reasoning (in a geometric context) and simplifying radicals. While this is largely review from middle school and Algebra I, these concepts are key to success for the next unit, so please make sure there are no gaps - come see me for tutoring, if needed. 


HW: Section 6.1 worksheet 


Welcome back from Christmas break! We started easing back into Geometry today with a Bingo game designed to review important terms. No homework :)



Students completed a mock final exam today. This is similar in design to the actual exam, albeit a little less than half in length. Both the mock exam and the key are attached below.

Tomorrow we will not cover any structured content in class, but I will be available to answer questions and offer further clarification.

The math final will not take place until Friday; I understand that many students at this point are more anxious about the exams taking place on Wednesday and Thursday. I will be available before and after school/testing the rest of the week, in case any questions crop up later. 


PS: A student pointed out to me today that there were typos in the answers to two of the test prep questions (# 21 and 25) The key has been updated and reposted under the 12/15 entry. 



Finals Days.



Q&R Day. Student had the opportunity to ask questions about any still-unclear topics or use the time as a study hall for other finals.



Today marked the beginning of our official review period. After going over the indirect proofs homework, we went through and began working on the review packet (see below), and will continue to do so tomorrow. On Monday, students will go through a mock exam as a group activity - up until this point, all students are expected to actively participate in instruction, even if they are exempting the PAP geometry fall semester final.


On Tuesday, we will have an open Q&A session for test takers; students exempting the exam may use this period as a study hall.


We continued to go through through our test prep packet. On Monday, students will get a mock exam (not graded, and as a group activity) to get a feel for scope and difficulty of questions.


Attached are copies of the corrections for both the indirect proofs and the test prep worksheets.



We completed section 5.6 today and have now covered all material for the semester final. This last section brought one last new concept - indirect proofs. Proving a statement false to show that the negated statement is, in fact, true is a somewhat novel approach. While these proofs do not play an outstanding role in high school geometry, they are a significant part of higher, college level math courses.


Homework: Indirect Proofs worksheet - complete #1, 2, and any four of the remaining problems.


We finished the proof at the end of section 5.4 (which we didn't get to finish yesterday) and made it through all of section 5.5 today. We are all set to complete section 5.6 tomorrow and then we will begin review for the semester final.


Homework: section 5.5 worksheet​


We went over the returned 5.1-5.3 quiz and began work on section 5.4 today. We will complete the "proofs" part of this section tomorrow.


Homework: section 5.4 worksheet​


I wasn't at school today due to the angel tree delivery. Students worked on an independent classwork assignment.


Homework: new Khan Academy LTA, due Friday, 12/15th


5.1-5.3 Quiz

Thu, Dec. 7th

Students took their last quiz (as a graded assignment) for this semester today. Tomorrow,

I will not be at school; I will participate in the Angel Tree delivery as the sophomore class

sponsor. PAP geometry student in school tomorrow will work through a classwork assignment.


Homework: none



We completed section 5.3 today. This section is largely an extension from 5.2 - instead of

working with perpendicular (segment) bisectors (and circumcenters), we now can also use

angle bisectors (and incenters). 


Homework: please complete the quiz-prep worksheet. The answers are all listed on today's class notes, so check your work, please!

I will pick up the homework sheets for a grade tomorrow before the quiz; if you have any question or cannot get the same solution, please send me an email.



We completed section 5.2 today and by now both classes are on the same page again. 

We introduced new vocabulary today (circumcenter and concurrence) and are now working

with circles and triangles - at the same time :)


Homework: please complete Section 5.2 worksheet, #1-18 and 22-23 (students in class today

received an edited version of the worksheet that only contains the assigned problems; if you

need to re-print the worksheet for your own use, please note that you do not need to complete

#19-21 and #24)


I apologize for the confusion about the quiz date. 

I will be absent from JPII on Friday for an event as the Sophomore class sponsor, and therefore was trying to minimize loss of instructional time. 

Unfortunately, I learned today that due to the special schedule (Mass and Advent Brunch), Friday does not leave enough time for testing, so the quiz will take place on Thursday, after all.  


We began began working on Section 5.2 today. However, since both PAP geometry classes are - for the first time - not moving in sync, there is no homework today. By tomorrow, all should be back to normal and homework assignments will resule.


Homework: none



We began work on section 5 today. After spending a lot of time of highly formalized types of proofs, we are now working with coordinate proofs, which allow students to use purely algebraic reasoning - a relief for many, I am sure.


Homework: new Khan Academy LTA due on Friday, December 8th.



We took our section 4 test today. In preparation for the upcoming semester finals, this test stepped up the pace and did not leave the students with much superfluous time. As a result of the increased workload, several students did not finish in the allotted timeframe. However, they will still be able to make corrections on both incorrect and missing work.

I will unfortunately not be able to grade all tests by tomorrow; students will get their tests back early next week. 


Homework: none


Section 4 Test

Thu, Nov. 30th

We completed our Section 4 Test Practice today. For additional practice, also look at

the key to the classwork packet (you can look at the packet under the 11/20 entry) 


Homework: Please prepare your usual cheat sheet.



We began work on the test prep for the Section 4 Test that is scheduled for Thursday.


Homework: Please complete (most) of the Section 4 Test Prep Packet

11/20-21/2017 and 11/27/2017

I will be out of the classroom through Monday, November 27.  During my absence, students will be working on a classwork packet (see attached). The actual packet includes four more worksheets that I unfortunately do not have in an "uploadable" format.


Homework: none.


We went over corrections for the graded assignment and began work on Section 4.7


Homework: Khan Academy LTA is due today.

4.4-4.5 Quiz

Thu, Nov. 16th

We completed our quiz prep and completed the graded assignment today.


Homework: none - keep in mind that the Khan Academy LTA is due tomorrow.


We completed Section 4.6 today and worked on our quiz prep for section 4.4-4.6.  We will finish the review corrections tomorrow and then take a short graded assignment.


Homework: complete quiz review (see below)


We covered Section 4.5 today and encountered yet more triangle proof theorems/

postulates. We also learned about yet another form of presenting proofs. 

Flow proofs have the advantage that they remain flexible and can be easily adapted

if we have made a mistake or feel "stuck" somewhere.


Homework: To practice proofs, please complete the worksheet posted below. 


We covered section 4.4 today. This section expands our options of proving the congruence of triangles.


Homework: Complete the Section 4.4 worksheet (see below)


We completed our graded assignment and I am happy  to report that the students worked very well together - it's really neat to hear them explain content to each other.


Homework: Khan academy LTA is due tonight; the next one is already posted and will be due next Friday!


We completed section 4.3 and did some more constructions today. Today's homework sheet also covers some review which will be helpful for the graded assignment (a.k.a. group quiz) tomorrow.


Homework: Complete the "Assignment" worksheet.


We completed section 4.2 and are now officially working with congruent triangles. We will work on copying and constructing triangles tomorrow; please remember to bring your compass and protractor


Homework: Complete the "4.2 Practice" worksheet.


We began work on section 3.5. This section begins with an algebra review of linear equation and how to graph them/deduce their equations from graphs. During the next two lessons we will expand this to use other forms of equations as well.


Homework:  p.p.229-231, #11-20 (all), 26, 30, 33, 35, 37

Note: we didn't quite make it through section 4.2; so the homework assignment will be tricky and as such is not mandatory. Kudos to all who are giving it a try!


We began work on section 4.1 and will move into proofs concerning congruent geometric figures - in particular, we will work with triangles in the coming weeks.


Homework: Khan Academy LTA is due tonight; new LTA is posted and is due next Friday


We took the section 3 test today. Everyone got done in the allotted time and we are now ready to move on to the next section: : Congruent Triangles


Homework: none

Section 3 Test
scheduled for
Thursday, Nov. 3rd 

We completed section 3.6 today and will now work on our test review for section 3.


Homework: test review packet (see below), odd #s only.


We went over our test review for section 3 today.

I would like to apologize for not getting through the "proofs" part during 1st period; I forgot about the

shortened mass-day schedule.

Attached, please find the class notes with all proofs included. Also, print-outs were available to

students to take home after school.


Homework: cheat sheet (3"x2.5"; one side only).


We began work on Section 3.6 today and encountered yet more theorems. The current batch are

not expressly named; they deal with conclusions that result from perpendicular intersection of

lines and as such are (in some cases) special versions of theorems we have already worked with.​


Homework: see attached worksheet,


We reviewed the homework assignment, spent some time on some last-minute questions and then students completed their section 3.3- 3.5. mini quiz. 


Homework: New Khan Academy assignment is due Friday, November 3rd​


The formative assessment from yesterday showed that students are very comfortable in working with "slope" in its various settings. I did get a request to review/practice proofs some more, so that's exactly what we did today.

We will complete the review by taking a short "mini quiz" tomorrwo.


Homework: complete "proof" review sheet



I'm back :)

To get a feel for how much of the material that was covered in my absence "stuck", students took a formative assessment today. Formative assessment are ungraded assignments that are used to shape instruction.


Homework: none



Day 8 of substitute lessons.​

Since the sophomores were absent on their retreat today, the PAP Geometry students who were at school today spent their time in class on completing another logic puzzle. I will be back at JPII tomorrow and we will then resume regular instruction.


Homework: none



Day 7 of substitute lessons​.

Students will work online to strengthen some basic skill sets and to review previously learned content.


Student Instructions PAP Geometry:

Please go to Khan Academy (please make sure you are on YOUR account!!)

and work on the assignments that are due today.


Relax - this is the last Khan assignment for this week (you may have already noticed that there isn't an LTA posted that would be due on Friday - you've done enough on this site and deserve a bit of a break. But, I'm sorry, we'll resume this Friday...)


  • Cross Section of 3D-Objects

  • Classify shapes by line and angle type

  • Properties of shapes

  • Complementary and Supplementary Angles (no visual)

  • Finding Missing Angles

  • Find Angles in Triangles (Remember, the sum of all angles in a triangle is 180 degrees!) 


Homework: Please complete whatever you didn't finish in class. This is due tonight! 

Also, from Friday: please complete the section 3.3-3.4 worksheet. This will be due on Tuesday, October 24th and will be collected for a grade.




Day 6 of substitute lessons​.

Students reviewed Sections 3.3-3.4, working through a number of angle and slope problems.


Homework: Please complete the section 3.3-3.4 homework sheet, due Tuesday, October 24th


Day 5 of substitute lessons​.

Students will work online to practice new content from yesterday and strengthen some basic skill sets.


Student Instructions PAP Geometry:

Please go to Khan Academy (please make sure you are on YOUR account!!)

and work on the assignments that are due today.


Don't panic! I know like it looks like way too much, but there are really only 5 exercises - the other three are three short articles with only two practice problems each. They are simply a quick review of what you did yesterday.  


  • Slope-intercept form review - Article

  • Slope-intercept equation from graph - Exercise

  • Slope-intercept from two points - Exercise

  • Point-slope form review - Article

  • Point-slope form - Exercise

  • Standard form review - Article

  • Graph from linear standard form - Exercise

  • Convert linear equations to standard form - Exercise


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at


Homework: Please complete whatever you didn't finish in class. This is due tonight! 

Also, from yesterday: please complete the section 3.5 worksheet. This will be due on Friday, October 20th and will be collected for a grade. Also, the Khan Academy LTA is due tomorrow!




Day 4 of substitute lessons​.

Students began work on Section 3.5 - we are now working with various methods to describe linear equations in a coordinate grid. This section is one of the intersections between Algebra I and Geometry, so we are reviewing some Algebra 1 content and are adding/deepening knowledge.


Homework: Please complete the section 3.5 worksheet


Day 3 of substitute lessons​.

Students will work online to practice new content from yesterday and strengthen some basic skill sets.


Student Instructions PAP Geometry:


If you feel comfortable with yesterday's content, you may move right into the Khan Academy section below. If not, I suggest you watch the following videos:

Video 1 - Intro to parallel and perpendicular lines (

Video 2 - Parallel and perpendicular lines (


Please go to Khan Academy (please make sure you are on YOUR account!!)

and work on the assignments that are due today: 


  • Intro to slope - Article

  • Slope from graph- Exercise

  • Slope from two points - Exercise

  • Parallel & perpendicular lines from graph - Exercise

  • Parallel & perpendicular lines from equation- Exercise


(If you finish these before the end of class, feel free to go on to work on your LTA!)


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at


Homework: no new homework; from yesterday: please complete the section 3.4 worksheet. This will be due on Wednesday, October 18th and will be collected for a grade.




Day 2 of substitute lessons​.

Students completed Section 3.4 - we are moving into perpendicular and parallel lines in the coordinate plane. The slideshows for this week are more detailed than usual; if you find that you still need more explanations, please contact me via email at


Homework: Please complete the section 3.4 worksheet. This will be due on Wednesday, October 18th and will be collected for a grade.




Day 1 of substitute lessons​.

For the short half-day lesson, students completed an in-class Algebra Review (see below). These were collected for a classwork grade (based on completion/effort/work shown); if you were absent today or forgot to turn in your copy, please do so as soon as possible. Mrs. Petrofes will collect additional work this week that will be graded upon my return. 


Homework: New Khan Academy LTA, due the evening of 10/20




We completed  section 3.3 today.  Tomorrow during the half day, we will work on some Algebra review problems and starting on Monday students will alternate between completing scaffolded notes for new content and working on individual, online practice assignment on the school laptops. If students prefer to use their own laptops, they are more than welcome to do so.


Homework: pp. 165-169 (9, 16-28 even, 34, 35, 40-44 all)





After homework corrections and some last minute questions, we took the Section 3.1/3.2 quiz today. At first glance, students did very well and will receive their quizzes back tomorrow after their PSAT test.


Homework: Logic Puzzle "Camping," due on Thursday; see below.



After taking their PSAT, students were only in math class for 20 minutes. This proved to be not enough time to conduct regular instruction. Instead, we went over expectations for next week; see letter below.


Homework: none


Parent and Student Letter from Mrs. J.Anderson:


Dear all;


My father's health has been declining this past year, and a few days ago I received word that I need to go back to Germany to say good-bye. Since my family lives so far away, this trip will have me absent from school from Friday until the 24th of October. I plan to be back in the classroom on Wednesday, October 25th.

Students will be in good hands with our wonderful substitute, Mrs. Petrofes, and will continue to learn and study in my absence. I will be able to update this website daily to include class notes and material, so please be sure to check in here regularly.

Any and all questions can be directed directly to me at, and I will respond by the next day. Should there be any questions about a day's lesson content, please let me know by 9 pm and I will adapt the next day's material accordingly.



J. Anderson



Any test corrections and make-up work need to be completed and turned in by this Thursday to be reflected in this quarter's grades!

We finished section 3.2 today and completed a quiz review, so everyone should be ready

for the section 3.1/3.2 quiz tomorrow.


Homework: page 157-159, #20-40 (even)



We began section 3.2 today, and have now covered all f the material that will be on the quiz 

scheduled for Tuesday.

We worked on constructions again today, and the following link may prove to be helpful: . Also, several students seem to have

misplaced their compass/protractor sets. I have a few available to loan, but I do expect

students to have access to all necessary supplies. Thank you for your help.


Homework: None due on Monday, but:

  • New Khan Academy LTA (long-term-assignment), due on Friday, 10/13 - Please note that this is graded on completion. The Khan system reports percentages, but as long as passing grades (above 70) are achieved, I don't require students to re-do the exercises.



We completed section 3.1 today, and spent some time on working with angles formed by

intersecting lines/transversals.


Homework: please complete the Section 3.1 practice sheet (see below)


We began work on section 3.1 today.  We are moving further into geometric territory and are beginning to work with more specialized vocabulary. Please make sure to keep up with all the new terms!


Homework: none - please use the time to work on your Khan Academy LTA - see Friday, 9/29 for details.


While the test results were not necessarily below expectations, there were a few problems that students seemed to struggle with. Because proofs are such an important part of high school geometry, we took a period to go through the test as classwork. I took up everyone's notes for a classwork grade but students will have access to their notes to help with their test corrections.


Homework: page 132, #1-8.

Please note: on the whiteboard in the classroom I listed the wrong page number (137). The correct assignment is listed above!



We completed the section 2 test, so there are no class notes today.


Homework: none - remember to work on the Khan academy LTA.



We used the shortened schedule today to sign up all students for Khan Academy. This website offers

a plethora of help with any number of academic subjects, and we will use it at times in class for

practice, review , and extension activities.. 


Students are required to sign up for my PAP Geometry class by following these steps:

1) Sign up at (or log in if you already have an account).

2) Visit (the “Coaches” tab in your profile).

3) In the “Join a Class" field, enter the class code. Class code: US285YGQ.

4) You’re set. Now click Home to start learning!

5) Once you have joined the class, I can add you to the assignment roster. I will check several times this weekend, but you might have to wait a little while until an assignment pops up on your home screen.


Homework: Cheat Sheet for Test on Monday (2x2.5")

                     However: LTA (long-term-assignment) on Khan Academy; due on Friday, 10/6


We completed the test review sheet in class today (for a copy, please see entry of 9/27 below)


Homework: review notes for chapter 2; be ready to ask any questions tomorrow.


We began creating a study guide for Monday's unit test. Note that this is a student-directed assignment; students are encouraged to use the template to determine what content they are already comfortable with, and what might need additional review before the test.


Homework: optional(!): review the test review sheet 


We covered section 2.7 today. This section contains new content that most students consider to be

rather "self-explanatory" and/or to be a great way to take "short cuts" through proofs and represents

the last new content for next Monday's test. 


This week - with homecoming and the Gala - is not too conducive to rigorous work, so we will spend

the rest of the week on review and practice.


Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: p.127-129, #1-14 (all), 16-34 (even)


We spent the day with extra practice for section 2.6. This section will feature heavily in next week's

unit test, so it is important that students feel comfortable with the content.


Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: none


We began work on section 2.6, adding more "tools" to our proofing toolkit. 


Note: Test corrections are still possible until our next Test!



Pages 116-119, #5-13 (all), #14-24 (even), #29, #31-33


We completed our quiz and will begin work on section 2.6 tomorrow.


Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: Another logic puzzle - have fun :)


We completed our quiz preparations today - please make sure you use the opportunity

to create your cheat sheet! Also, look over the extra worksheet we did in class today!

(see below)


Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: Study; cheat sheet.


We moved on to Section 2.5 - this is the last new content before Thursday's quiz. 


Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: Quiz Review sheet, see below


We worked on section 2.4 today and introduced a list of new postulates.


Note: Test Corrections can still be made.


Homework:  pages 99-102, #1-5 (all), #11-23 (all), #40-44 (all), #46-54 (even)



We worked on section 2.3 today and spent some time on de-mystifying logic puzzles.


Note: Test Corrections can still be made.


Homework:  home improvement logic puzzle (see below)



We completed our first "graded assignment" today - students did a great job

working collaboratively and discussing/debating their thought processes.


Homework:  complete the logic puzzle on p. 86.

(Note: look at the draw conclusions section on the same page!)



We moved on to section 2.2 and spent our lesson working with "logic." Tomorrow we will practice working with conditional statements, their inverse, converse and contrapositives. This will prepare students to begin working with proofs.


Homework:  pages 82-85, #1, 2, 8-30 (even), 40-48 (even)



We continued work on conditional statements and all of their variations and spent most of today practicing moving from one to another. 

Tomorrow, students will complete a graded assessment - as described in the syllabus, this will count as a quiz grade, but students will be able to work collaboratively in their table groups. THey will still all turn in their own result and will receive individual grades.


Homework:  Pages 82-85 #31-39 (all), 50- 55 (all) Prepare for graded assignment – no cheat sheet!!



Unit 1 tests were returned to students. They amy make corrections and engage in re-learning until the next test review begins. We also began work on Unit 2 by reviewing and working with "patterns."


Homework: Pages 75-78: #1, 2, 3-17 (odd), 18-22 (all), 29, 32, 35, 39- 42 (all) .



We took our Unit 1 test today. grades will be posted by the end of the weekend; students will get their test back for a review on Monday; keep in mind that test corrections are possible.

We will begin work on chapter 2 on Monday.


Homework: none; enjoy your weekend!                 


We went over the test review today. There will be the opportunity for a short Q&A session before the

test tomorrow. I will also continually check my email this evening; feel free to ask questions this way!


  • prepare for your test tomorrow: go over notes and utilize the math book chapter review on                                   pages 59-69​

  • prepare your cheat sheet - I gave every student a blank 3x5" index card. Feel free to note down                                   anything you think might be helpful. Formulas, definitions, examples - whatever you want!                                    Only  one side may be used!



We covered section 1.7 today, and will complete the unit with a test review tomorrow. Please see the test prep sheet below

Homework: pages 52-56, # 2-18 (even), #27-39 (odd), #51, 52


This being an early release day, we only went over homework corrections today and then took our​

second quiz.

Homework: students worked hard all week, so: no homework this weekend!



We covered section 1.6 today. We will move on to section 1.7 tomorrow and then spend Thursday on

a test review. The test will cover all of Unit 1; please go back over your notes!

Homework: pages 44-47, #2-7 (all), # 12, 13, 16, #18-23 (all), #24-30 (even), #43, 45, 48, 52



We began working on constructions: creating geometric figures solely by using compass and straight edge. This proved to be a somewhat difficult task; we will complete this topic tomorrow


Homework: construction worksheet



We spent our time practicing constructions. The homework assignment is to complete the                                  construction angles worksheet (see post dated 8/29).


Homework: complete yesterday's construction worksheet, work on unfinished problems                                    

                     on the in-class worksheets



We covered chapter 1.5 and a whole new set of vocabulary terms - see notes below. 


Homework: pages 38-41, #1,#2, #5-9 (odd), #16, #33-45 (odd), #54, #56 



Today was an early release day with shortened periods. We spent our time discussing the quiz and my grading policy/expectations for students.


I understand that some students' grades are not representative of their mathematical skill and knowledge; a significant number of errors were made in areas of setup and notation. While this might feel trivial, precision is essential in PAP Geometry's key area of "proofs" as well as in future mathematics courses. We will be working hard this year to help students be successful in achieving the necessary attention to detail.


Homework: none


We worked on section 1.4.; please see notes to the right. At this point, all students should have their own protractor and compass.


Homework: page 28-32, #2-26 (even), #40-50 (even), #66-72 (even)


We took our first quiz today. It will be returned tomorrow. Please file for further reference and as a study tool for the Unit test later in September./


- page 23, all


We continued work on section 1.3 and prepared for tomorrow's quiz; copies of the slides are below.


- pages 20-22, # 31, 50, 53

- write yourself a 3x5" index card "cheat sheet"

- finish the quiz review. 


We covered section 1.2 in our book today; copies of the slides are below.

Homework: pages 12-14: #1-5 all, #9-11 all, #13-19 odd, #20-36 even, #39, #42, #44


I hope to see some of you at Back to School Night this evening!


We began workon  section 1.3 in our book today; copies of the slides are below.

Homework: pages 19-22: #2-22 even, #24, #36, #48, #60-64


Students received and signed for their books. They are a valuable study tool, but it is not necessary to carry the book back and forth every day. I will include screenshots of problems we do in class in my slideshows; as long as students are comfortable working from the board, they do not need to bring the book to school but may opt to keep it safely at home.

We began work on chapter 1 today. Below are the slides we used in class today; they correspond to section 1.1 in the book.

Homework: none. Enjoy your weekend!


We covered introductions, expectations and the syllabus (attached below). Please read it carefully.

Homework: turn in the signature slip from the syllabus


Welcome to the 2017/18 PAP Geometry section at JPII! I'm excited to be working with you this year.

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