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Looking Ahead: 

Semester Final on Thursday, May 24th, 8 am


We took the last assessment of the school year today - we're almost done :)

The quiz has been graded and posted in RenWeb - students did really well! I have also exempted everyone's lowest quiz grade, so most quarter grades went up a little. 


HW: none - enjoy the nice weather!


We completed section 12.5 today and began work on the quiz preparation. The worksheet as well as all notes (including the key for the prep packet) are attached below. 


HW: review 12.2-12.5 quiz prep sheet

also: Section 12.5 worksheet (optional, for extra credit)


We completed section 12.3 today and made it all the way through section 12.4: Volume of prisms


HW: Section 12.4 worksheet


We began work on section 12.3 today - how to calculate the surface area of pyramids. 


HW: Optional Extra credit assignment: Section 12.3 worksheet, page 1


We finished section 12.2 today and finished early enough for students to begin working on homework in class. Students also received their graded Section 11 Test back - corrections can be made through Friday, 5/18.


HW: Please complete the Section 12.2 


We began work on the last section of the school year: Section 12 deals with surface area and volumes of solids. We began with section 12.2 today and learned how to calculate the surface area of prisms. Tomorrow we will complete this section by working with surface areas of cylinders. 


HW: none







We took out Section 11 Test today


HW: none


We went through our section 11 test prep today. The end of the school year is near, and in conjunction with student council votes, quite a few students had a difficult time staying on task today. Unfortunately, that meant that we did not fully complete the review in class; please see the attached key for reference.


HW: study and complete your cheat sheet :)



We completed section 11.6 today and worked on calculating areas of polygons. Once again, we encountered a formula that can be explained by rearranging parts of a shape into a rectangle of equal size


HW: none



We completed section 11.5 today. It is an extension of 11.4; we are using the same principle to find areas of sectors (or, very informally, "pizza slices") of circles using proportional reasoning.


HW: pp. pp. 758-759 (3-9 all, 11-18 all, 20-25 all)



We completed section 11.4 today. Students were most engaged and very much "with it". Today's section covered finding the measurements of arc lengths by using the circumference and the angle measurement of the arc.


HW: pp. 749/750, #3-13, 15-23 (all)



We completed the Section 11.1-11.2 Quiz today and will move on to section 11.4 tomorrow. (see below for further details)


HW: none



We did our quiz review over sections 11.1 ad 11.2. Please see below for the review sheet and the worked out solutions.

In the grade level Geometry class, we will skip section 11.3 - it's a proportional reasoning with areas section that is not a prerequisite for moving on, so we will save some time for additional review at the end of the quarter.


HW: review!


We made it through section 11.2 - an extension of section 11.1, we can now calculate the area of a trapezoid, rhombus or kite.


HW: new Khan Academy LTA


Most of the class was absent/arrived very belatedly to class due to the World History field trip. We used te class time to go over the results of the Section 8 test, and students had an in-class opportunity to make test corrections.


HW: none


We began work on section 11.1 - areas of polygons.


HW: pp. 723/724, #3-9, 12-20


Students took the section 8 test today. We will not begin working through the last section of the curriculum: Area and volume and move on to section 11 starting tomorrow.


HW: none


Students worked through the test prep packet for section 8. Please see below for the packet as well as the key.


HW: study; write out cheat sheet


Students received their quizzes back - they are a great tool to prepare for the unit 8 test next week! We also covered section 8.6 - largely a review of all types of quadrilaterals that are covered in section 8.

HW: new Khan LTA


We are still waiting for some students to make up their quiz, so quiz grades won't return until tomorrow.

In the meantime, we covered section 8.5 today and learned about the last group of "special" quadrilaterals: trapezoids and kites.


HW: pp. 546/547, #3-15, 1


Students took their section 8.3-8.4 Quiz today. Tomorrow we will go over the correct answers to the quiz and move on to section 8.5.


HW: none


We covered the 8.3/8.4 quiz review today and should be all ready for tomorrow's quiz. I will be at school - not be in the classroom - during 5th-7th periods.The quiz will be proctored by our math department head, Ms. Sweeney. I will be, however, be available for questions before school and during my 2nd period planning period.


HW: study for the quiz!


We made it through section 8.4 today and will spend the day tomorrow on reviewing (spacial) parallelograms in preparation for the 8.3/8.4 quiz on Wednesday.


HW: pp. 537/538, #3-17, 19-24


Students received the grades from yesterday's quiz. We then moved on to section 8.3: Parallelograms. We are now approaching an area of geometry that uses quite a bit of Algebra - be ready for some Algebra review to become a regular part of Geometry instruction


HW: New Khan Academy LTA


We took our section 8.1/8.2 Quiz today


HW: none


We spent the day on going over quiz prep for section 8.1/8.2. Please see the solutions below.. 


HW: finish quiz prep - show work!





Today we made it through section 8.2 - Parallelograms and their properties. More types of quadrilaterals are to follow next week, but for now 


HW: pp. 518-519, #3-8, #13-15, #17-28 (all) 





I apologize for the delay; students have not yet received their graded test - we are still waiting for one student who was absent to make up the test. Students will receive their graded test tomorrow.


We have begun working on section 8. This section deals with polygons and how to calculate angles and distances based on known geometric principles and special properties of various polygons. 


HW: Section 8.1 worksheet, see attached.

(PS: I forgot to assign a new Khan LTA assignment on Friday, so we will skip this assignment this week)


We took the section 7 Test today. Students will get their results on Monday.


HW: New Khan Academy LTA


We finished  the test preparation. See the attached document for the solutions.


HW: prep your cheat sheet


We finished section 7.7 by going through the homework corrections and then began test preparation. See below for the test prep packet.


HW: please complete the odd numbers on page 1 of the test prep sheet (#1-31)


We finished section 7.7 today and are now ready to begin our test review. Our review will take two days this time; along with geometric concepts, we will also spend some extra time on reviewing algebra skills necessary  to solve some of our problems.


HW: pp. 486/487, #10-28 (even only), #29, 31, 33.


We finished section 7.6 and began work on section 7.7 - how to find side lengths in right triangles if we know angle measurements. At this point, this is a mere calculator application, but it serves as a nice review of solving rational (fraction) equations).


HW: "Finding Angles with Trigonometric Ratios" worksheet (see below).


Unfortunately, I had to leave JPII before the start of 7th period. Students spend the class period on completing extra practice on all three trigonometric ratios. Their work was collected for a classwork grade. Students absent today will be expected to complete this assignment on their own time. (see worksheet attached below)


HW: Khan Academy LTA due tomorrow, new Khan Academy LTA due next weekend (April 9th)


We moved on to section 7.6 and have now encountered the complete set of trigonometric ratios. Long live SohCahToa!

The shortened mass day schedule didn't quite get us through the whole section, but we have covered enough to be able to spend some time on practicing work with sine, cosine and tangent tomorrow. 


HW: None (Since we didn't finish our section today) - enjoy :)


We began working on trigonometric ratios today and encountered the tangent ratio as a way to calculate a side length in a triangle without knowing the other two.


HW: Tangent Practice worksheet, see below.


We took the section 7.1-7.3 Quiz today. Some students struggled to identify which type of triangle was used in a problem and subsequently had a hard time to decide which set of rules to use.

Grades have been curved. 


HW: none


We spent the day on reviewing all quiz content - see the worksheet below along with the solution key for help. If you have any other questions, feel free to send me an email :)


HW: New Khan Academy LTA - Due 3/31


We finished up section 7.4 with some extra practice on special triangles.


HW: finish the 7.4 practice worksheet


We made it all the way through section 7.4 today - however, since this topic can be a bit iffy, we will spend another day on additional practice tomorrow (This will also also allow a few students who will be absent due to a field trip tomorrow to not miss anything important.)


HW: p. 461/462, #3-7 (all), #11


We have finished section 7.3 and are spending additional practice time on this section. It is a big part of the unit test!


HW: section 7.3 worksheet


I apologize for posting this a day late.. We have begun work on section 7.3 today - we are now using altitudes in right triangles to find missing pieces via proportional reasoning. 


HW: pp. 453/454, #2-15 (all)


We finished the third quarter with the section 7.1/7.2 quiz - most students did great!!


HW: none.... But please keep in mind that the Khan Academy LTA assigned last week will need to be completed before school resumes :)


We went through our quiz prep section and should be all ready for tomorrow's graded assignment. Bothe the practice problem and the key are attached below.


HW: study!


We covered section 7.2 today and have now finished all content for Thursday's quiz. While the quiz will make it onto the 3rd quarter report card, please remember that I will drop the lowest quiz grade for the quarter - grades might improve, but they will not get worse!


HW: pp. pp. 444-445 (3-23 odd, 27-31 all, 33) 


We finished section 7.1 today and are knee-deep in the Pythagorean Theorem by now. There are lots of application problems with this section!


HW: pp. 436-438, #3-5, 8-10, 11-16, 18-23, 28-30 (all)


We moved on to working with radicals. The next section will heavily depend on the use of square roots, so we spent a whole day on reviewing how to work with them and how to simplify them


HW: finish the "Simplifying Square Roots" worksheet (see below)


The shortened periods didn't leave us much time to work with today - we still managed to cover quite a bit of section 7.1, though - we will finish it on Monday and then move on to 7.2 and quiz prep by Tuesday.


HW: Khan Academy LTA! The current one is due, and a new one will be posted tonight!


We are back at work and continued our algebra review by revisiting properties of exponents. These, and the simplification of radicals we will review tomorrow, will be necessary background skills for section 7.


HW: finish the "Properties of exponents" worksheet (see below)


I am at the freshmen retreat on Monday and Tuesday. During my absence, students will complete a much needed Algebra review.

Students are assigned a Khan Academy assignment that is due on Tuesday, February 27th. These will count as a classwork assignment, not as a quiz grade, even though there are "quiz" assignments among them. Students will have access to laptops to work on them during class.

Students will also receive a hardcopy Algebra Review as a homework assignment. These problems go along with the Khan Academy assignments - use the online resources available to you! (You should be able to get quite a good part of them done in cla


HW: Finish the Algebra Review packet (see below). I will pick these up on Wednesday - do your best and show your work! 


I am at the freshmen retreat on Monday and Tuesday. During my absence, students will complete a much needed Algebra review.

Students are assigned a Khan Academy assignment that is due on Tuesday, February 27th. These will count as a classwork assignment, not as a quiz grade, even though there are "quiz" assignments among them. Students will have access to laptops to work on them during class.

Students will also receive a hardcopy Algebra Review as a homework assignment. These problems go along with the Khan Academy assignments - use the online resources available to you! (You should be able to get quite a good part of them done in class!)


HW: Finish the Algebra Review packet (see below). I will pick these up on Wednesday - do your best and show your work! 


We finished the section 6 test review.


HW: complete your cheat sheet!


We finished the last bit of section 6.6 today and began work on our section 6 test review.


HW: test review (posted yesterday), back side, odd questions


We worked on section 6.6 today and made it almost all the way through. Tomorrow we will begin with test prep; for those who would prefer an early start, the review sheet is attached below.


HW: pp. 400-402, #3-13 (all)


We took the 6.1-6.4 quiz today.


HW: New Khan Academy Assignment!


Students received their quizzes back today. Overall, they did really well!

We also went through all of section 6.5 today and learned two more ways to determine if two triangles are similar or not..


HW: pages 392-394, #2-24, evens only

Section 6.1-6.4


Friday, Feb 16th


We went through all of the quiz review problems and a few more for types of problems that students felt needed more practice/exposure.

Please see the key below for extra review!


HW: study!


We made it all the way through section 6.4 today! Unfortunately - as many students felt - we are briefly back with proofs; but similarity proofs in this form are much shorter and less complicated than congruency proofs. Still, we need to revisit some parts of earlier content, so reviewing angle relationships might be very helpful!


HW: quiz review worksheet, odd #s only!


We finished section 6.3 today. Students should be getting comfortable to find missing information in similar figures by now. While we covered a shortcut useful for perimeter calculations today, several students feel more comfortable to use a method that is slightly more labor-intensive, but - because we have been working with if for a little while now - routine and hence easier. Please note that this is perfectly fine - as long as they show their work!


HW: pp 376, #4-26 (even), 32, 34.


We began working with similar polygons today (section 6.3. This will be key for this week's quiz on Friday!


HW: Similar Polygons Worksheet


We finished section 6.2 today and will move into similarities next week. Students will need to learn perfect squares up to 15 in the near future - be prepared!


HW: new Khan Academy assignment is due next week - remember to finish this wee's assignment on time to get full credit!










We began section 6.2 today and moved further into ratios and proportions. This is an in-depth version of what was already introduced in middle school.


HW: none










We finished section 6.1 today


HW: pages 360-361 (4-48, multiples of 4), 53-56 (all)









We began work on section 6.1 today, and are moving into solving proportions


HW: complete the solving proportions worksheet.









Section 5 Test

moved to Monday,
Feb. 5th

We took the Chapter 5 test today.


HW: none



Due to the water-main-break incident, our school day ended after 4th period, well before students were scheduled to take their test.


Hence, the test will be moved to Monday, Feb 5th


We finished the review for our section 5 test today. Please review the review packets covering sections 5.1-5.3 and 5.4-5.5. From section 5.6, we only need the hinge theorem and its converse - no calculations are made using this topic, so we did not specifically practice it.


Below please find today's review sheet and the solutions for both - use for control!


HW: Write your cheat sheet!


We worked on section 5.5 today and learned how we can use our knowledge about triangles 

to make accurate assumptions about the relationships between sides/angles and about

lengths of missing triangle sides.


HW: Section 5.4 worksheet, odds only.


We worked on section 5.6 today (we are not covering the indirect proofs in regular geometry, 

so today was a quick lesson) and spent the last fifteen minutes of class reviewing section 5.5

(see homework ; attached below)

Tomorrow we will review for our test!


HW: Section 5.5 worksheet, even #s only.


We went through section 5.4 today. It is another vocabulary-heavy one, with new terms such

as median (not the statistics one!), altitude, centroid and orthocenter. We'll work hard to 

memorize them!


HW: pp. Sections 5.1-5.3 Quiz review - even ones that weren't completed in class on Friday. - no worries, we won't take the quiz :)










(I apologize for the delay in posting this one!)

We finished section 5.3 today. We had fun folding paper triangles "just so" and started to go over a review sheet for sections 5.1-5.3. (yes, it's titled "quiz review". No, there is no quiz to go with it)


HW: Khan Academy LTA is due Saturday (originally, the deadline was Friday, but students asked to get a permanent 1-day-extension; so here it is), and a new one has been assigned.




We began work on section 5.3 today and folded some more paper-triangle-bisectors... Tomorrow we'll actually construct some of these - please remember to bring a compass and protractor.

(Dear parents; some students seem to have misplaced theirs and/or have had a mishap that left them unusable - if at all possible, please replace these items) 


HW: pp. 313, #3-17








We finished section 5.2 and are almost ready for our next quiz. It will be a graded assignment on Friday, and students may work within their table groups. They work extremely cooperatively, and practice presenting arguments to a group.


HW: none - no homework day due to the Archbishop's evening visit to JPII​









We began section 5.2 and are now applying and extending existing knowledge about perpendicular bisectors. Very slowly our material is coming together, and we are increasingly revisiting material we have already covered during the first and second quarter.


HW: pp. 306-307, #3-8, 11-15








We went through the quiz from last Thursday and then finished section 5.1.

Please note that the next quiz (on Unit 5.1-5.3) will take place on Friday, Jan 26!


HW: pp. 298-299, #3-19, 24-26







Section 4.5-4.7 Quiz

Jan 18th

Students completed their quiz today. 


HW: none



We began work on Section 5.1 today. We did not finish this section but will do so on Monday. Students seem to prefer having guided notes, you will continue to see these posted here in case they get lost. Please note that the completed notes can still be found in the attached .pdf document


HW: Last week's Khan Academy LTA is due tomorrow (Jan. 20th); a new assignment is posted and will be due next Friday (Jan 26)



We finished our quiz review today and students will complete their quiz as planned tomorrow. To keep the quiz manageable, it will, in fact, not contain any formal proofs.

I will be absent from JPII tomorrow due to a training event at Antonian in San Antonio; Mrs. Patillo will administer the quiz in my absence


HW: please complete your 2.5x3" cheat sheet.




1/16/2018 - Inclement Weather Day


This day is somewhat inconvenient in regards to the scheduled quiz on Thursday. JPII teachers adhere to a schedule designed to ensure that students don't take too many test on on day. Important mathematics assignment thus always happen on "even" calendar days. The next even day would be Monday - never a good day to test, and the one following that would be next Wednesday - almost a week later. Hence, students will still take the quiz on Thursday, but will only have to complete a very limited section on proofs.


1/15/2018 - Dr. Martin Luther King Day



We began reviewing for next week's quiz. Again, this is more review than we normally do, but students are still recovering from the long Christmas break.


HW: There is a new LTA on Khan Academy; it's due next Friday 1/20.


We finished the review and are now moving on to section 4.7; the last part of section 4. Students will complete an "extended quiz" on Section 4 next Thursday. Technically, this should be a test grade, but since we just came back from a long break, I do not want to stress students too much and therefore have decided to count the assignment as quiz grade only.


HW: p.267-270, #7-9, 11-13, 15-17 (all of them)


We continued working through the section 4.5-4.6 review. It's hard to get back into proofs!


Homework: finish review packet







Finals Days.



Q&R Day. Student had the opportunity to ask questions about any still-unclear topics or use the time as a study hall for other finals.



We are back at work and spent the class reviewing what we were working on right before the break. Most students exempted the fall final, so we need to recover from three geometry-free weeks. Today and tomorrow we will review sections 4.5 and 4.6 in the hope of jump-starting their brains and getting back in the groove of doing proofs and other tricky things.


HW: Angle relationships proof crossword puzzle


Welcome back from Christmas break! We started easing back into Geometry today with a Bingo game designed to review important terms. No homework :)



Students completed a mock final exam today. This is similar in design to the actual exam, albeit a little less than half in length. Both the mock exam and the key are attached below.

Tomorrow we will not cover any structured content in class, but I will be available to answer questions and offer further clarification.

The math final will not take place until Friday; I understand that many students at this point are more anxious about the exams taking place on Wednesday and Thursday. I will be available before and after school/testing the rest of the week, in case any questions crop up later. 



We continued to go through through our test prep packet. On Monday, students will get a mock exam (not graded, and as a group activity) to get a feel for scope and difficulty of questions.



Today marked the beginning of our official review period. We worked with the review packet (see below) today, and will continue to do so tomorrow. On Monday, students will go through a mock exam as a group activity - up until this point, all students are expected to actively participate in instruction, even if they are exempting the geometry fall semester final.


On Tuesday, we will have an open Q&A session for test takers; students exempting the exam may use this period as a study hall.


Today we completed section 4.6. At this point, we will cut off new material for the final - we will cover the last two subsections of section 4 after the break.

Students received copies of their Final Exam Review worksheet today (see attached). This, along with extra practice problems, will be what will keep us busy the next four days until finals start.


Homework: Final Review worksheet - look through the worksheet and write down three questions you have about the content. Something you can't remember, something you have been struggling with, something that needs clarification, ...


Students received their graded assignments back and we completed Section 4.5. This section brought with it a new form of proofs. Flow proofs are similar to flow charts and allow students to put their thoughts on paper in a somewhat less structured format; order is established by the addition of arrows that show a student's train of thought. 


Homework: Section 4.5 worksheet, #1-16 (first two pages), odd #s only

Section 4.1-4.4 Quiz

Mon, Dec. 11th

Graded Assignment Day. Since this was a quite short assignment, we also began work on chapter section 4.5. 


Homework: none​


We completed section 4.4 and are done with all material that will be covered on the quiz on Monday. Tomorrow we will practice some more.


Homework: complete section 4.4 worksheet (attached)



We worked on our quiz review for Monday today since tomorrow is the Angel Tree delivery and half of our Sophomores (and myself as their sponsor) will not be at school.

We worked in small groups, and didn't use a slideshow today. Tomorrow, the students in class will receive a solution key in hardcopy, the students taking part in the delivery will receive theirs on the bus on the way home.


Homework: complete section 4.1-4.4 quiz review worksheet (attached)



Angel Tree delivery day. Students at school today worked on independent practice see attached


Homework: new Khan Academy LTA, due Friday, Dec 15th​


We completed section 4.3 and did some constructions of triangles today. If you would like to watch the video again, here is the link.

Please make sure you have access to both a compass and protractor at school and at home!



Homework: complete copying triangles worksheet (attached)



We began work on section 4.3 and have officially started to work with congruent triangles.

In order to not have the students take too many test in December, the next quiz was moved 

to Monday, December 11. This will be the last grade before the semester finals starting on

December 19. (there will not be a section 4 test; this content will be covered by the semester



Homework: complete SSS congruence worksheet (attached)







We completed Section 4.2 and spent a little time on in-depth practice before getting into triangle proofs on Monday. Our practice was a classwork assignment that I picked up for a grade; students worked on  questions 13-17 of the 4.2 practice worksheet.

These questions were already posted yesterday; feel free to re-print or review.


Homework: New Khan Academy LTA, due Friday, December 8th







We began work on Section 4.2 and started preparation for congruence-of-triangles proofs. Tomorrow we will spend some time practicing what we have done so far and then start on proofs next week.


Please note that there will be a quiz on next Monday!


Homework: Section 4.2 Worksheet, #1-12 (attached).







We completed Section 4.1 and are ready to start working with congruent figures. Today we learned a shortcut to speed up calculation of exterior angle measurements.


Homework: Please complete the Exterior Angle Practice Worksheet (attached).



We are back in "regular" instruction mode and spent the day on continuing section 4.1. We learned a few more bits of vocabulary and began work with two geometric concepts (Sum of interior angles in a triangle and exterior angles of polygons).


Homework: Please complete the Angle Sum and Exterior Angle Worksheet (attached).


11/20-21/2017 and 11/27/2017

I will be out of the classroom through Monday, November 27.  During my absence, students will be working on a classwork packet (see attached). The actual packet includes four more worksheets that I unfortunately do not have in an "uploadable" format.


Homework: none.

Unit 3 Test

Thu, Nov. 16th

We discussed test results and then began work on Section 4.1


Homework: Khan Academy LTA is due today


We completed our Test today, so there is no slideshow/class notes.


Homework: none. Please remember that the Khan Academy LTA is due tomorrow!


We completed our test prep for section 3 today and students seem to be ready to show hat the have learned!


Homework: complete your cheat sheet (2.5"x3", one side only)


We completed section 3.6 today and are now in test-prep mode. For this test, all proofs will be in fill-in-the-blank form; today's interactive note sheet (see below) has some good examples that will be handy!


Homework: #1-25 (odd) on Test Review Sheet (see below)


We began work on Section 3.6; the last part of the current section. We are adding a few more theorems that deal with perpendicular lines - this is nothing entirely new, merely a "special case" scenario for what we already know about parallel lines and their transversals. While proofs play an important part in geometry, we are also continuing to work on applying teh algebra concepts students worked with last year; so today's homework is all about connecting algebra to geometry :)


Homework: Complete the Section 3.6 worksheet we began in class.

Section 3.3-3.5 Quiz 
scheduled for 
Friday, November 9th

We completed our quiz (it was a quick, multiple choice one), and will finish Section 3 next Tuesday. This means that the next unit test (Section 3.1-3.6) is just around the corner and will happen next Thursday, November 16.


Homework: Khan academy LTA is due tonight; the next one is already posted and will be due next Friday!


We completed our quiz review and should be all ready for tomorrow.


Homework: Study!


We began work on our quiz review. Unfortunately, this is not progressing as I had hoped, so we will take another day and complete the review tomorrow, with the quiz now scheduled for Wednesday.


Homework: Complete the "3.3-3.5 Quiz Prep Worksheet" through #15.


We completed section 3.5. This section covers the last form of writing linear equations (Standard Form)


Homework: Complete the "Standard form" worksheet we began in class (see below)


We continued work on section 3.5 and learned about point-slope form. Since this is Friday, and a no-homework day, we used an in-class worksheet to maintain a steady flow of grades.


Homework: Khan Academy LTA due tonight; new LTA is posted (due next Friday)


We continued work on section 3. Today's content, section 3.4, dealt with slope. Both in the sense of how different slopes present (positive, negative, no slope, undefined), and in how slopes cam be used to determine if lines are parallel/perpendicular/neither. 


Homework: "slope of perpendicular lines" worksheet (see below)


We began work on section 3.5. This section begins with an algebra review of linear equation and how to graph them/deduce their equations from graphs. During the next two lessons we will expand this to use other forms of equations as well.


Homework: "Slope-intercept form" worksheet (see below)


Quiz on




We took the 3.1-3.3 quiz today. Students felt confident and finished quickly, so we could start to work on

section 3.4


Homework: none


We worked on our quiz review today.


Homework: please especially review notes from today and Friday!


We completed Section 3.3. today and began work on reviewing the material for our quiz on Wednesday, 11/1. Due to my absence during the last week, we will spend some additional time on going over some "old" content again.


Homework: New Khan Academy assignment is due Friday, November 3rd​


We began work on Section 3.3. today. This section uses the converse of theorems and postulates we have already worked with. So, instead of using parallel lines and transversals to prove that angles are congruent or supplementary we are now using knowledge about angles to prove that two lines are parallel.

The relevant proofs are lengthy, and we will not cover them in detail; instead, we will spend extra time on practicing how to use these converses in various settings.


Homework: p.203, #9-19​


I'm back :)

To get a feel for how much of the material that was covered in my absence "stuck", students took a formative assessment today. Formative assessment are ungraded assignments that are used to shape instruction.


Homework: none



All sophomores enjoyed their retreat day today, so no geometry instruction took place today  




Day 7 of substitute lessons​.

Students will work online to strengthen some basic skill sets and to review previously learned content.


Student Instructions Geometry:

Please go to Khan Academy (please make sure you are on YOUR account!!)

and work on the assignments that are due today.


Relax - this is the last Khan assignment for this week (you may have already noticed that there isn't an LTA posted that would be due on Friday - you've done enough on this site and deserve a bit of a break. But, I'm sorry, we'll resume this Friday...)


  • Cross Section of 3D-Objects

  • Classify shapes by line and angle type

  • Properties of shapes

  • Complementary and Supplementary Angles (no visual)

  • Finding Missing Angles

  • Find Angles in Triangles (Remember, the sum of all angles in a triangle is 180 degrees!) 


Homework: Please complete whatever you didn't finish in class. This is due tonight! 

Also, from Friday: please complete the second Section 3.2 homework sheet. Since you will all be absent tomorrow (Tuesday), this will be due on Wednesday, October 25th and will be collected for a grade.




Day 6 of substitute lessons​.

Students completed work on Section 3.2 - we are continuing to work with congruent and supplementary angles that are the result of a transversal crossing parallel lines.


Homework: Please complete the section 3.2 (part 2) worksheet - Problems 17-23 only! This will be due on Wednesday, October 24th and will be collected for a grade.

(The copy below is the worksheet for the complete section 3.2; the first section of problems 1-16 was due today) 




Day 4 of substitute lessons​.

Students began work on Section 3.2 - we are now moving into the special relationships between angles if the transversal is intersecting with parallel lines


Homework: Please complete the section 3.2 (part 1) worksheet - Problems 1-16 only! This will be due on Friday, October 20th and will be collected for a grade.

(The copy below is the worksheet for the complete section 3.2; the worksheet students are receiving in class only shows numbers 1-16; numbers 17-23 will be assigned Friday and will be due next Wednesday.) 




Day 5 of substitute lessons​.

Students will work online to practice new content from yesterday and strengthen some basic skill sets.


Student Instructions Geometry:

Please go to Khan Academy (please make sure you are on YOUR account!!)

and work on the assignments that are due today: 


  • Identifying supplementary, complementary, and vertical angles - Exercise

  • Missing angles with a transversals - Video

  • Angle relationships with parallel lines - Exercise

  • Measures of angles formed by a transversal - Video

  • Equation practice with angles - Exercise


The videos are quite short (less than 10 minutes in total), so you should be able to get most, if not all done in class. If not, please do complete the exercises for homework.


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at


Homework: no new homework; from yesterday: please complete the first section 3.2 worksheet. This will be due on Friday, October 20th and will be collected for a grade. Also, the Khan Academy LTA is due tomorrow!




Day 3 of substitute lessons​.

Students will work online to practice new content from yesterday and strengthen some basic skill sets.


Student Instructions Geometry:

Begin by taking two short, multiple-choice, online quizzes (please make sure to show your results to Mrs. Petrofes; this is a completion grade only. These will remain available for you if you want to practice again at a later point in time)

Quiz 1 ( and

Quiz 2 (


After you have finished these, please go to Khan Academy (please make sure you are on YOUR account!!)

and work on the assignments that are due today: 


  • Parallel and perpendicular lines review - Article

  • Identify parallel and perpendicular lines - Exercise

  • Draw parallel and perpendicular lines - Exercise

  • Points on the coordinate plane - Exercise

  • Coordinate plane problems in all four quadrants - Exercise

  • Drawing polygons with coordinates - Exercise


(Do not worry if you do not have time to finish the coordinate plane exercises; if you work diligently but run out of time, you will still get full credit)


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at


Homework: no new homework; from yesterday: please complete the section 3.1 worksheet. This will be due on Wednesday, October 18th and will be collected for a grade.




Day 2 of substitute lessons​.

Students completed Section 3.1 - we are moving into types of angles involved with transversals. The slideshows for this week are more detailed than usual; if you find that you still need more explanations, please contact me via email at


Homework: Please complete the section 3.1 worksheet. This will be due on Wednesday, October 18th and will be collected for a grade.




Day 1 of substitute lessons​.

For the short half-day lesson, students completed an in-class Algebra Review (see below). These were collected for a classwork grade (based on completion/effort/work shown); if you were absent today or forgot to turn in your copy, please do so as soon as possible. Mrs. Petrofes will collect additional work this week that will be graded upon my return. 


Homework: New Khan Academy LTA, due the evening of 10/20




We began work on section 3.1 today. Today, and during my absence, we will utilize fill-in-the-blank notes (see below) and on alternating days we will use the laptops for individual, online practice sessions. 


Homework: p. 150-152, #3-10 (all), #34-37 (all), #45-49 (all)




After taking their PSAT, students were only in math class for 20 minutes. This proved to be not enough time to conduct regular instruction. Instead, we went over expectations for next week; see letter below.


Homework: none


Parent and Student Letter from Mrs. J.Anderson:


Dear all;


My father's health has been declining this past year, and a few days ago I received word that I need to go back to Germany to say good-bye. Since my family lives so far away, this trip will have me absent from school from Friday until the 24th of October. I plan to be back in the classroom on Wednesday, October 25th.

Students will be in good hands with our wonderful substitute, Mrs. Petrofes, and will continue to learn and study in my absence. I will be able to update this website daily to include class notes and material, so please be sure to check in here regularly.

Any and all questions can be directed directly to me at, and I will respond by the next day. Should there be any questions about a day's lesson content, please let me know by 9 pm and I will adapt the next day's material accordingly.



J. Anderson




We completed the Section 2 test today. Please note that I will return this test to the students tomorrow and they can, as always, make corrections. However, if they want to see their corrections reflected in the first quarter's grades, corrections need to be done by Thursday.


Homework: KenKen # 17-24, due Thursday.


We finished our test review with some extra practice and should be all ready for the section 2 test tomorrow.


Homework: prepare your cheat sheet for tomorrow. 2.5"x3" notecard, one side only.



We completed section 2.7 today, and will now begin our test review process for the unit test on


Classwork today: p. 127/128, #1-7 


Homework: None due on Monday, but:

  • New Khan Academy LTA (long-term-assignment), due on Friday, 10/13 - Please note that this is graded on completion. The Khan system reports percentages, but as long as passing grades (above 70) are achieved, I don't require students to re-do the exercises.

  • Test Prep Sheet was distributed today (see below). Students may want to review it over the weekend.

  • Likewise, I handed out a review template for important terms, definitions, properties, postulates and theorems.



We completed section 2.7 today, and will now begin our test review process for the unit test on


Classwork today: p. 127/128, #1-7 


Homework: p.127/128, #8-14 (all), #16-34 (even)


We began section 2.7 today, and encountered a few more theorem for our "proofs" toolbox.


Homework: none, please use the time to work on your Khan Academy LTA assignment;

please see Friday, Sept. 29 for details.


We completed 2.6 today, and will move on to section 2.7 tomorrow.


Homework: p.116-119, #5-13 (all), #14-20 (even), #31-33 (all)


We began work on section 2.6 today


Homework: Section 2.6 practice sheet (see below)



We used the shortened schedule today to sign up all students for Khan Academy. This website offers a

plethora of help with any number of academic subjects, and we will use it at times in class for practice,

review , and extension activities. 


Students are required to sign up for my Geometry class by following these steps:

1) Sign up at (or log in if you already have an account).

2) Visit (the “Coaches” tab in your profile).

3) In the “Join a Class" field, enter the class code. Class code: PA94UYTC.

4) You’re set. Now click Home to start learning!

5) Once you have joined the class, I can add you to the assignment roster. I will check several times

this weekend, but you might have to wait a little while until an assignment pops up on your home screen.


Homework: None due on Monday; Happy Homecoming weekend!

                     However: LTA (long-term-assignment) on Khan Academy; due on Friday, 10/6


We took an extra day today to practice the content of Sections 2.4 and 2.5 (see review sheet below)


Homework: complete section 2.5 Extra Practice sheet (see below). Since many students are busy with last minute homecoming preparations, this will be due on Monday, 10/2


After quite a few homework corrections, we finished section 2.5 today. This is students' first experience with geometric proofs and the idea of having to justify in great detail how they developed their solution is quite challenging. 


Homework: none (gala evening)


We began work on section 2.5. today. We solved several equations while using the reasons needed

in the format we will be using for geometric proofs.

We didn't get too far into the section - mass schedule and homecoming week are taking their toll -

so the homework assignment is a form of logical/mathematical puzzle. While fun to do, it challenges

students to follow a rigid system and to make, and possibly adjust, their approach to finding solutions.


Note: Test corrections are still possible!



KenKen #9-16


We completed section 2.4 today.


Note: Test corrections are still possible!



Pages 99-102, #3-5 (all) , #11-24 (all) , #40, 42, 46, 48, 50 (even)


We worked on Section 2.4 today; this is the introduction to formal geometric proofs. The language and terms are new to the students - this will be a difficult section, so we are taking our time.


Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: none


We completed our quiz today and will begin working on section 2.4 tomorrow


Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: none


We completed our quiz preparations today - please make sure you use the opportunity

to create your cheat sheet! Also, look over the extra worksheet we did in class today!

(see below)


Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: Study; cheat sheet.


We moved on to Section 2.3 today. This is the last new content before the quiz on Thursday


Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: Quiz review sheet, see below


We spent another day working with conditional statements. Please note that today's

worksheet (see below, corrections are included) is a great study aid for the quiz on



Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: puzzle on p. 86


We completed section 2.2 today and practiced working with different forms of

conditional statements. Students completed an in-class assignment that will 

show in Renweb as classwork. Students worked alone or in pairs and then we

reviewed corrected results as a group. The assignment was graded on

completion. of assignment and corrections.


Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: none


Assignment on

We worked on section 2.2 today and began the section on logic.


Homework:  pages 82-85, #4-24 (even), #32, #40-48 (even)



We began work on chapter 2 - the beginning sections are heavy on vocabulary, please make sure to keep on top on the new terms!


Homework:  Pages 75-78: • 3-17 (odd), 18-22 (even), 29, 32, 39-42 (all)



We completed our first unit test today.​ Tests will be graded by tomorrow; please not that test corrections are possible; students will be able to earn half of missing points back by re-doing faulty answers. They will need to show all work,and/or give detailed explanations and they need to do this in my classroom. They can work on corrections until we begin prep work for the next test. 


Tomorrow, we will begin work on section 2.1


Homework:  none.


We completed our Unit 1 test review.  The test will cover all of Unit 1;

please go back over your notes and prepare your "cheat sheet"

Homework: Cheat Sheet.



We began our Unit 1 test review.  The test will cover all of Unit 1;

please go back over your notes and prepare your "cheat sheet" - we will continue reviewing on Monday,

that's a good time to make sure your cheat sheet has all you need.

Homework: please complete the odd numbers on the Algebra Review Sheet below.



We covered section 1.5 today and are well on track to take our first unit test (Unit 1, sections 1.1-1.7) 

next Tuesday, 9/12/2017 


Homework: pages 38-41, #5-27 (odd), #31-45 (odd)


We covered section 1.6 today. We will move on to section 1.7 tomorrow and then spend Friday and Monday

reviewing and practicing for the test.

 Homework: pages 44-47, #3-7 (all), 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 28, 30, 43, 45, 48, 52



We covered section 1.7 today. We will spend the next two days on test review.  The test will cover all of Unit 1;

please go back over your notes!

Homework: pages 52-56, #2-18 (even), 27-29 (all), 40, 41



We began the day by reviewing the homework assignment. Several students struggled with the work; after some clarification I decided to wait until Tuesday to take up the construction work; allowing for extra review. We also took our weekly quiz.


Homework: please finish the  "constructions" worksheet handed out today (see below). I will take up all three "construction" sheets on Monday. 


We began continued work with constructions. Please see the notes below and video links for "copying angles" and "angle bisectors"


Homework: please finish the "Angle bisectors worksheet"; see pages 1-2 of the constructing angles worksheet below


We began constructions: creating geometric figures solely by using compass and straight edge.

For "Segment Bisectors", see this video link .


Homework: get comfortable with your compass - construct concentric circles;                                  

                     how small can you make your radius?



Today was an early release day with shortened periods. We spent our time discussing the quiz and my grading policy/expectations for students.


I understand that some students' grades are not representative of their mathematical skill and knowledge; a significant number of errors were made in areas of setup and notation. While this might feel trivial, precision is essential in Geometry's key area of "proofs" as well as in future mathematics courses. We will be working hard this year to help students be successful in achieving the necessary attention to detail.


Homework: none


We worked on section 1.4.; please see notes to the right. At this point, all students should have their own protractor and compass.


Homework: page 19-22, #31-34, #43, #45, #52

                     page 23: #1, #4


We continued working on section 1.4.; please see notes below. Tomorrow, we will begin constructions: creating geometric figures solely by using compass and straight edge.


Homework: page 28-32, #6-24 (even), #44, #66-72 (even)



We took our first quiz today, so there is no slideshow.


- page 23, #2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8


We continued work on section 1.3 and prepared for tomorrow's quiz; copies of the slides are below.


- write yourself a 3x5" index card "cheat sheet"

- finish the quiz review. NOTE: do not do #12 and 21, and only find the coordinates of the midpoints for 15-17 (we haven't covered finding the distance between this type of points yet)


We covered section 1.2 in our book today; copies of the slides are below.

Homework: pages 12-14: #1-5 all, #9-11 all, #15-19 odd, #22-30 even, #34, #44


I hope to meet some of you at Back to School Night this evening!


We began workon  section 1.3 in our book today; copies of the slides are below.

Homework: pages 19-22: #14-20 even, #36, #48, #60, #62, #64


Students received and signed for their books. They are a valuable study tool, but it is not necessary to carry the book back and forth every day. I will include screenshots of problems we do in class in my slideshows; as long as students are comfortable working from the board, they do not need to bring the book to school but may opt to keep it safely at home.

We began work on chapter 1 today. Below are the slides we used in class today; they correspond to section 1.1 in the book.

Homework: none. Enjoy your weekend!


We covered introductions, expectations and the syllabus (attached below). Please read it carefully.

Homework: turn in the signature slip from the syllabus


Welcome to the 2017/18 Geometry section at JPII! I'm excited to be working with you this year.


We completed the semester today with section 12.6 - surface area and volume of spheres.


HW:please complete the section 12.6 worksheet


Today we began the official review section. The review packet is structured by chapter; if you find that one section in particular is difficult, please review your notes and use your quiz prep packets and quizzes as additional study guides. Keep in mind that all note can be found on this page; simply scroll down until you get to the section you want to work on. (look for the names of the attached files to find the right spot on this page) 

Students had already received their review packets earlier this week; please see below for the file as well as the numerical key. A worked out key will follow on Monday - until then, work on your own!


HW: none - review as needed.


Students continued their review/preparation for finals. Attached you can find the worked-out answer


HW: none - review as needed.

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