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Looking Ahead: 

Total Review MC Exam (graded) on Tueday, May 8

Semester Final on May 15 

AP exam on Thursday, May 17th



We spent the class period on reviewing more AP Multiple Choice questions, discussing why answers were correct/incorrect.


HW: Prep for last assessment - it's open note, so make sure your notes are in order :) 

Review everything we've done the last three weeks:

reviews, homework packets, multiple choice practice questions...


We spent the class period on reviewing actual AP Free Response questions, discussing why answers were correct/incorrect.


HW: AP Practice #4


We spent the class period on reviewing actual AP Multiple Choice questions, discussing why answers were correct/incorrect.


HW: none


Last Review Topic (#7): Binomial and Geometric Distributions and Probabilities


We did it - now we have two+ weeks of general AP practice left. Please remember that the last test will take place on May 8th - all test corrections for the previous test need to be done by then!


HW: none


Review Topic #6: Random Variables. One more, and we'll be done!


Since the end-of-year stress levels apparently have gone through the roof, I will not add to them by insisting on homework completion any more. Homework will still be assigned daily (no more Khan Academy, though), and we will go over the answers in class. However, I will no longer mark missing/incomplete homework assignments. Instead, students will receive daily class participation grades for the remaining days in the school year.


HW: AP Practice #3, page 3


We did some more probability review today. At this point in the semester, we are in full review mode. As seniors - and future college students - students are in the drivers' seat of their own test preparation. While we cover important sections at school and will begin going over previous AP statistics exams in detail by Wednesday, students need to independently work on areas that they personally struggle with.

Remember: Your "5-STeps-to-a-5"practice book is a great resource!


HW: AP Practice #3, pages 1&2


All but a very few students were taking a lengthy English test today and were absent from class. The students present either worked on Test corrections or reviewed the AP Statistics Practice Exam.

The Practice exams are available for review/practice in my room at any time. Per CollegeBoard rule, however, I am not authorized to let students have their own copies of the test questions. Sorry :(


HW: none - Students will receive a hardcopy of their weekly assignment on Monday. 


Part 5 of review topics today:  Probability. Please see below for the worksheet (we did not yet do the activity on the back!); the key is in today's notes, along with the homework correction


HW: Complete Mixed Practice II (see yesterday)


Part 4 of review topics today: Experimental Design. Please see below for the worksheet; the key is in today's notes.along with the homework correction


HW: AP finish the back side of theExperimental Design worksheet (2003B), AND: Mixed Practice II (see attached), please complete the 2009 Problem


Part 3 of review topics today: Sampling Design. Please see below for the worksheet; the key is in today's notes.along with the homework correction


HW: AP Mixed Practice I (see attached), please complete the back page (the 2008 problem)


Part 3 of review topics today: Sampling Design. Please see below for the worksheet; the key is in today's notes.along with the homework correction


HW: AP Mixed Practice I (see attached), please complete the back page (the 2008 problem)


Part 2 of review topics today: Regression. Please see below for the worksheet; the key is in today's notes.


HW: AP Mixed Practice I (see attached), front page only


Unfortunately, a majority of the class was unexpectedly absent today. That left those of us present to go through the homework corrections in great detail and fully discuss the 2006 free response problem on yesterday's packet.

Please note that today's notes are solely my teaching guidelines and do not constitute fully formed answers.


HW: new Khan LTA


We began the AP (and Final)  Exam review today with a vocabulary exercise centered on "data". Students prepared several terms and presented them to the rest of the class. 


HW: "Describing Data" worksheet, #1-3 and 2004 Free Response Question


Students who will be taking the AP Statistics Exam on May 17th took their practice exam today. This replaced regular instruction. Starting tomorrow, we will begin reviewing each part of the curriculum and work through relevant, previously used AP questions. 


HW: none


We went through the rest of the MC questions and began work on open response questions. We covered the grading rubrics for the AP exam and some general test-taking strategies.


HW: get ready for the practice test - find and charge your calculators!!


We are officially in AP-Exam-Prep mode. Students received a copy of the 2012 exam today. This is the newest released version, meaning that students can take it home and work through it at their leisure. 

We began working through the Multiple Choice section - students should begin to notice patterns - some question types tend to crop up in variations, and we have already encountered some in tests and quizzes throughout the year.


HW:Finish the MC section of the 2012 AP Exam. (copy and key is attached - make sure you know which questions you need to ask tomorrow to clarify!)


We're beginning to prep for the AP Exam - today we covered the mechanics of the test: topics, set-up, general tips and tricks, a tentative study plan. Starting on Monday, we will begin the content-based review section.


HW: "take stock" - use a method of your choice and turn in your results by Friday.

(If anyone wants to get a sneak peak at the newest released exam (from 2012), it's attached below; you will receive a copy on Monday.)


We took our Inference Test today


HW: none


We finished the section on Inference by revisiting everything we covered in the last two months. I wish we had a bit more time to review before taking the test, but the AP practice exam is scheduled for the 18th (an event that has to be coordinated with the administration and students' other teachers), and students deserve to not go into this completely cold, so we are going ahead with the test. 

To make up for this - and to entice students to get their notes organized - the test will be an open-note event, instead of the usual "cheat sheet" variety. The "visuals" will most likely play a key role - we went over the chi-square and regression version today, and I have attached the two earlier versions as well, in case someone has misplaced their copy.


HW: get your notes in oder for the open-note test!



With "Inference for Regression" we completed the last segment of new material for the AP exam - it's all review from now on!

Inference for regression simply asks "Well, the line fits our data, but does it fit the whole population?" Remember, any data set will result in a LSRL - whether or not it should be used is quite a different question.


For those absent today or those who would like to hear explanations again, try the link below:

Inference for Regression Video Explanation


PS: for yesterday's homework corrections, please see the class notes that were posted yesterday


HW: Inference for Regression Worksheet #3, 4



Students received their graded assignments back and we spent the day on a review of linear regression. Tomorrow we will cover the last piece of new information (inference for regression), so a bit of "looking back" was in order.


If you didn't take notes today, here is a summary of the most important stuff we put on the board:

- Quick Guide to LSRL (clicking on the "next lesson" links at the bottom of the page reveals more useful information)


If you feel you need a bit more review and practice, try this link:

- Khan Academy Regression Section


Or: scroll WAY down and look at what we did in October.


HW: Please complete the "PRE inference for regression review" worksheet - see attached 

(PS: I forgot to assign a new Khan LTA assignment on Friday, so we will skip this assignment this week)







Senior Trip day - no AP Statistics instruction today


HW: new Khan Academy LTA


Students took their Chi Square Quiz today. As part of our AP prep phase, we used this quiz to get yet more comfortable with multiple choice questions. While the difficulty level was not quite at AP level, most students did very well, with more than half the class scoring at 90% or above.


HW: none for tomorrow - students will not be at JPII (senior trip)


We finished the section on Chi Square tests by defining how to use the same approach to test for homogeneity - to determine if two samples are different enough to indicate that they do not come from the same population, but represent different populations.

The classic example is medicine's realization that women and men do react differently to medical treatment, and that therefore tests should be done with two sets of samples, representing the distinct (and different) populations of male and female patients.

The mathematical approach is the same as the Chi Square test for independence we did yesterday - students who were absent today should be able to get caught up quickly.


HW: study! Review this week's notes!!


Today we expanded our approach to working with qualitative data and added the Chi Square Test for independence. This test lets us determine if the two types of data represented in a two-way table are dependent or independent from one another.


HW: "Inference for Categorical Data" worksheet, #11, 12, 13 (worksheet was uploaded yesterday)


We began working on the Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test - the last new piece of information before we get into review and practice for the AP exam. ​Lack of time did not allow us to conduct the truly fun "piggy experiment" I would have liked to do with the class - we had to make do with a very much abbreviated version. The test itself, however, is not particularly challenging, especially for the large group of students who have already discussed it in AP Biology.


While the AP exam provides a chi-square table, students can also use their calculators (see the calculator file attached below) 


HW: "Inference for Categorical Data" worksheet, #2/3


Students received their quiz grades - we haven't discussed answers yet, though, because several students still need to make up the quiz. We then moved on to connecting tests of significance and confidence intervals. We have making connections between these two concepts along the way already; students who were absent today should be able to catch on fairly easily.


HW: Khan Academy LTA due tomorrow, new Khan Academy LTA due next weekend (April 9th)


We took our two-populations MC quiz today. Students will receive their grades tomorrow; the quiz forms will only be returned once everyone has taken the quiz (hopefully tomorrow)


HW: None - have yesterday's homework ready to turn in!


We finished our quiz review by learning how to get quick, calculator-based answers to inference questions. This will come in handy tomorrow: Keep in mind that the quiz will be all Multiple Choice - we have spent most of the year on the "nuts-and-bolts" AP statistics parts; now we start to use all available shortcuts as well 


HW: Two Populations Practice, #1 and 2.


We began our review for the quiz on Wednesday.  


HW: STAT TEST Practice problems #8, 9, 13, 15

(see today's notes to check which procedure to use)


We completed our section on two population intervals/tests. We will spend Monday/Tuesday on practice/review and then take our next assessment on Wednesday.


HW: New Khan Academy LTA - helpful as quiz prep :)


We spent some time going over homework and then began work on confidence intervals and tests for matched-pairs and then began working with intervals and tests for two proportions.

We are moving quickly, but other than using new formulas (that are available during the exam and do not need to be memorized), these topics aren't fundamentally "new".


HW: #6 (Agent Orange) on the "Inference for two distributions" (Two Populations, part 1) worksheet from yesterday. I will pick these up!


Congratulations on yesterday's homework - everyone did really well!!

We moved on to testing the difference of two means - it looks difficult, but is really similar to testing just one population.


HW: Inference for 2 Populations (posted yesterday) - #5 and 7 (I will pick these up!)


I apologize for posting this a day late...

We began the fourth quarter with a quick review of Type I and Type II errors and how the concept of "power" ties into this.

We then moved on to multiple choice review questions about "inference" - as far as we have covered them so far. 


HW: finish the Multiple Choice assignment - this will count as a quiz grade, do your best!!


W​e began working on 2 population scenarios today. An initial, quick review of one-and two-tailed tests took a little longer than expected, so we didn't make it all the way through the slides. Please seethe notes below to get caught up.

Note that you will not be expected to calculate degrees of freedom on your own during the AP exam! Simply default to n-1 for the smaller sample.


HW: Inference for 2 Populations - #2 and 3 (look at today's notes for help!)


We continued work on power. We spent a bit of time reviewing the concepts portrayed in yesterday's video (therefore, the class notes below will show some overlap from yesterday) and then began working on practice problems.


The following link is helpful with visualizing "power" and how it relates to alpha and beta: 



HW: Rewatch video, if necessary. Make up missing work!


We finished the third quarter with some extra practice and a multiple choice worksheet - we are still working on finding the best answer to the question vs. finding a true statement.


HW: none.... But please keep in mind that the Khan Academy LTA assigned last week will need to be completed before school resumes :)


We began working on the concept of "Power." This is a measure indicating how likely it is that we will make a correct decision when conducting a test of significance. The video link below explains the concept quite well - and might serve well as a review since some of us might forget a thing or two over spring break....

















HW: Rewatch video, if necessary. Make up missing work!


Due to the less than satisfactory grades of a number of students, I have decided to not give another test before the end of the quarter, since students wold not have had an opportunity to make test corrections. Instead, the first inference test will take place on Thursday, March 22.


HW: Finish TypeI/II error worksheet


Note: Extra Credit option below. (Graded for accuracy, due on Friday) 


The shortened periods didn't leave us much time to work with today - we made it through the MC "Test of Significance" Quiz, though.


HW: Khan Academy LTA! The current one is due, and a new one will be posted tonight!


We went through the homework assignment and the quiz prep packet (posted yesterday, see below). For both assignment, students received a key; copies are posted below.

While the content itself is slowly taking root, students are still struggling in part with using the prescribed format. While these formal requirements are somewhat more lax in class, they are absolutely mandatory on the AP exam!


HW: finish quiz prep/study!


We are back at work and spent today on reviewing the various inference procedures we have covered so far. Students received a graphing organizer designed to help them find the right approach to inference questions and worked on deciding which procedure to use today. 


HW: Finish the "Inference - Which Procedure?" packet


PS: I understand that several students will miss class tomorrow because of a baseball game. Hence, I have attached the quiz prep activity we will do tomorrow in class. Key is to follow tomorrow after class.


I am at the freshmen retreat on Monday and Tuesday. During my absence, students will continue to work on Tests of Significance.

Students are assigned a Khan Academy assignment that is due on Tuesday, February 27th. These will count as a classwork assignments, not as a quiz grade, even though there are "quiz" assignments among them. Students have been asked to bring their laptops to work on them during class. For students without personal laptops, they can get one from Ms. Phelan.


HW: Finish the Test of Significance Practice packet handed out on Thursday, Feb. 22nd (see below). I will pick these up on Wednesday - do your best and show your work! 


We went through the homework assignment and then moved on to t-tests as well as the two-tailed options. The latter was covered very quickly due to a slightly shortened lesson; please look over the attached class notes for additional help. 


HW: New Khan Academy Assignment.


We briefly discussed last week's test - because so many students were absent over the long weekend, it took a few days to have everyone make up their assessment. Quite a few students did extremely well, while others have a bit of catching up to do. As always, test corrections are available until the next test date. I'm available to supervise corrections any day during tutoring time!  

Afterwards we moved on to the actual procedure required for tests of confidence. These tests also require the distinction between z- and t-scores, so we'll get plenty of opportunity to review this part of the C.I. section!​


HW: Test of Significance Practice packet, #2-4


We finished the introduction to tests of significance and will began working with corresponding AP-style problems tomorrow.​


HW: none.


With well over half the class absent from JPII today, we did not cover new material.


HW: none (work on missing Khan Academy LTAs!)


We began work on the last big theme for the AP Statistics course: "Inference," or: "What conclusions can we actually draw from collected data?"

This week's topic is "Tests of significance" - we covered definitions and vocabulary and began working on calculations.


HW: finish today's worksheet (examples on the back)


We finished the Confidence Interval test today.


HW: New Khan Academy Assignment!

Chapter 18/19 Test

Open Response Part

on Feb. 16th


We went over the corrections for the "proportions" worksheet as well as the test prep open response answers; see attached documents. Please make sure to give all the details on the test tomorrow! They're an easy way to get points...


HW: Update your cheat sheet if needed


We took the multiple choice section of the "Confidence Intervals" Test today. We will prep for open response questions tomorrow and then finish our assessment on Friday.


HW: Remember: Confidence Intervals for proportions worksheet - due Thursday, 2-15. 

        Also, please at least numerically solve the open response test review.


We began by going through the homework assignment (see attached detailed solutions) and then moved on to working with sampling proportions. Just like z-score based confidence intervals, they give us a range of likely probabilities for a given scenario.

Students also received a study guide/vocabulary chart along with practice problems for the multiple choice section of the Chapter 18/19 test tomorrow (the key is attached!).


HW: Confidence Intervals for proportions worksheet - due Thursday, 2-15. 


        Create your cheat sheet for this week's test! Be careful, you will use the same card for

        Friday's open response section!


We began working with t-distributions. These allow us to work with small sample sizes and take their wider shape into account.


HW: T-distribution worksheet


We finished the Jelly Blubber Activity and discussed what a confidence interval actually means. What information does/does it not provide? What if we don't know key details about our population?


HW: none, but students received an extra practice worksheet to begin their independent test prep​. we will come back to this sheet next week!


I had taken up yesterday's homework and realized that z-score calculations for confidence intervals still weren't as clear as I want them to be - so we spent quite a bit of time on review.

Then we moved along and introduced t-scores as a way to deal with small samples/ unknown population parameters.


HW: new Khan Academy Assignment!!


As expected, we spent some time going over the homework assignment and began an activity: Measuring Jelly Blubbers!! 


HW: Confidence Interval (2) worksheet



We took the chapter 18 quiz today.


HW: none



We began work on Confidence Intervals today. This is the first step towards inference, and as such a crucial topic!

Finding the z* score was tricky for some students; please carefully review the notes and come for tutoring if necessary.


HW: finish "Confidence Intervals (1)" worksheet



We went over the sampling distribution homework (the z-score section had a tricky one; please see the attached file for detailed solutions!) and then went over an interactive activity for the central limit theorem.

Here is the link again:


Today's class was interrupted with our water-main-break issue. While we still nominally had the full class period (we had an extra 10 minutes that were taken up with announcements), students were just a bit squirrelly.... The quiz is still on for Monday, please study!!

(I'm off during 2nd and 3rd period - feel free to come in to ask questions, and/or email me!) 


HW: new Khan Academy LTA



We continued with sampling distributions and learned how we can get z-score related probabilities (and data-related probabilities) directly from our calculators.


Since we lost some instructional time in January, I reworked the class calendar; please note the new test/quiz schedule on the right.


HW: Finish the "more means and z-scores" practice worksheet.


We worked on graphs of sampling distributions today and how we can determine their standard deviation. The link below is a helpful tool to visualize this concept! The "Practice Exercise for Normal Distributions" was just a quick reminder/review - it's great for individual review - the answers are on the back!


Today's link: ( 


HW: Please finish the "Intro to Sampling Distributions" packet; see yesterday.







Game of Chance Project

due Monday,
Jan 29th

We began working on Sampling Distributions today.



HW: please complete "Discovery Question 1" on your handout (see attached)








We discussed which methods we can use to assess normality in a given sample -

the Normal Probability (or distribution) is a new tool for us.

NOTE: Some calculators displayed an error message when following proper procedure.

The fix: in the STAT PLOT menu, instead of using the GRAPH key, press ZOOM 9 instead.

That seems to fix the issue. 


HW: Please finish graphing the examples on the "Assessing Normality" worksheet (see below)











We finished our review from yesterday and put finishing touches on the Game of Chance Project.


HW: New Khan Academy Assignment; due next Friday!








We reviewed normal distributions and the calculation/interpretation of z-scores today in preparation for working with probability distributions. Students also had the opportunity to work on their games.


HW: complete the "density curves" worksheet








We went over the results of our "skittles" activity - and then the "fun-and-games" week continued as students played each other's games of chance to continue their data collection


HW: none - no homework day due to the Archbishop's evening visit to JPII​










We began our new unit on sampling distributions today with a hands-on experiment. Rarely is AP statistics as much fun as on days like this when we get to play with candy!


HW: Complete "Skittles" worksheet








We went over last week's quiz and worked on our game of chance project.


HW: Last week's Khan Academy LTA is due tomorrow (Jan. 20th) 

There is no new LTA due next week; students will use their time to work on their

Game of Chance Project


We had a camera crew from the archdiocese at JPII today and most of the AP Statistics class was

needed in the science lab for an unscheduled lab demonstration. Therefore, our lesson was cut quite

a bit short today. We went over the classwork/homework assignment from Thursday (see key below)

and spent some more time on the Game of Chance project. 


HW: work on your Game of Chance Project








Students worked on an in-class packet reviewing chapter 17 content today. 


HW: complete the rest of the packet.



We started a new project that will be due next Friday, Jan 29th. Please consider the rubric/ instructions posted below. This project will take the place of homework assignments until next week, with the exception of tomorrow: I will be absent from JPII fora  training event at Antonian in San Antonio. Students will work on an in-class assignment that they will have to complete for homework if they do not complete all problems in class.



HW: Think about your game project - you need to be ready to get me to sign off on it by Friday!.


1/16/2018 - Inclement Weather Day

NO SHOOL DAY. - Please stay safe!

Considering the bonus points offered, the quiz grades came out very nicely - no failing grades :)


If you have some extra time time today (hint, hint...), please take a look at this week's Khan Academy LTA.

1/15/2018 - Dr. Martin Luther King Day



After some extra review and homework corrections, we went through the first graded assignment of the third quarter.


HW: There is a new LTA on Khan Academy; it's due next Friday 1/20.


We are back at work and spent the class on working with combinations and permutations. Some students may remember this from their Algebra II course. Please look over the notes (see below)


HW: Permutations/Combinations worksheet 


Welcome back from Christmas break! we started easing back into Statistics today with a team-based game designed to review probability. We will keep playing this on-and-off throughout the quarter and teams will compete for homework passes.




From Bernoulli trials (geometric probability) we are moving on to binomial and normal probabilities. These come with lots of application problems!!


HW: review yesterday's assignment, also do p.400, #29-34 (all)


Bernoulli Trials are closely defined "yes or no" events. They appear a lot - taking a multiple choice test is one, just like the question "how often will Mrs. J.Anderson assign homework this week?"


Homework: p. 398-399, #1, 2, 7-12










Finals Days.



Q&R Day. Student had the opportunity to ask questions about any still-unclear topics or use the time as a study hall for other finals.



Students completed a mock final exam today. This is similar in design to the actual exam, albeit a little less than half in length. Both the mock exam and the key are attached below.

Tomorrow we will not cover any structured content in class, but I will be available to answer questions and offer further clarification.

The math final will not take place until Friday; I understand that many students at this point are more anxious about the exams taking place on Wednesday and Thursday. I will be available before and after school/testing the rest of the week, in case any questions crop up later. 



Today we began working on open response problems (see attached). The solutions are in today's slideshow. On Monday, students will take a mock exam to get a feel for the setup and duration of the exam.


Warning: the mock exam is only about half the length of the actual exam. For those who want to look ahead, a copy is attached below.


Today marked the beginning of our official review period. In class today students went through a long collection of multiple choice problems. (see attached; the key is included as the last page)


On Tuesday, we will have an open Q&A session to work through any concepts that may still be iffy.


We have completed our segment on Random Variables and are set for the final next week. We will spend the next four days preparing with review and test practice


Homework: page 383, #24, 26, 34, 36


We completed work on discrete random variables today by working with various combinations of random variables and how the addition of factors and/or constants will change population means/expected values and variances (and, by extension, standard deviations)


Homework: Combining and transforming random variables worksheet.


We continued work on random variables and went over the packet assigned on Friday.


Homework: p. 381, #2, 4, 6, 8, 20, 24, 32


I will be absent during 4th period for the angel tree delivery. Please follow the independent study packet.


Homework: please complete the Random Variables worksheet


Students received their graded tests today; all RenWeb grades are updated as of today. For seniors who are finding themselves worrying about their grades, please come see me as soon as possible. I will be away from school from 9:30am to 3:15 pm for the angel tree delivery but will still be available before and after school.


We began work on Chapter 16, "Random Variables" today. Students will continue to work on the content independently tomorrow and we will complete the section together on Monday.


Homework: none

Probability Test

Part 1: Multiple Choice
Mon, Dec. 4th
Part 2: Free Response
Wed, Dec. 6th


We finished the probability test today. I hope to have it graded by tomorrow, and then we can 

begin work on the Random Variables.


Homework: none.


We reviewed the multiple choice part of the Probability Test. Unfortunately, not everyone did as well as I expected. We discussed all problems in detail, and I am hopeful that students picked up some helpful hints for the open response portion tomorrow.


We also did quite a few more practice problem; all solutions can be found on today's class

notes (see below)


Homework: Probability Review worksheet (see attached; do not do #5 and #6!).

Make sure to use proper notation!




Students took the first part of the Probability Test. Tomorrow we will review the multiple choice section and practice AP level free response questions for the current section.


Homework: none




We worked on test-prep practice. Unfortunately, we didn't finish all I wanted to at school, but all solutions are shown on today's class notes.


Homework: Test Prep; see "Mixed Probability Practice" worksheet

                     New Khan Academy LTA, due Friday, 12/8 (This is also great test practice!!)




We continued work with dependent/conditional probabilities and are almost ready for the

probability test next week.


Tomorrow we will spend more time on practice problems and review the various ways to

visualize/structure possible solutions.


Homework: "Applying Independence/Mixed Practice" worksheet




We briefly went over the graded assignment from 11/17 and the classwork packet from 11/27. (see answer key below).

We then moved on to more independence practice, but didn't get quite as far as I expected. 


Monday's speaker will change our daily schedule, so we will not be able to complete our probablity test as planned. Please note the new setup on the right.


Homework: Please complete/correct the remaining problems from yesterday's worksheet

(attached yesterday).



We continued work on probability and further worked with conditional probability and independent events. We also encountered tree diagrams and learned how to find missing information by completing two-way tables.


Homework: complete the "conditional probability/independence" worksheet (see attached)


I was out of the classroom Monday, November 27.  During my absence, students will be working on a classwork packet (see attached). This will count as a Classwork grade.


Homework: none; if not completed in class, finish the packet at home


Graded Assignment
Fri, Nov. 17th

We completed our quiz prep and should be all ready for the assignment tomorrow.


Homework: please complete the Probability Formulas Practice worksheet (see below)


JPII Seniors spent these two days at their retreat; there was no AP Statistics instruction during this time.


Homework: none.


We completed the latest "Graded Assignment" on Probability. Students seemed to be comfortable with the material. 


Homework: none.


We moved on to more probability rules but did not get all the way through the content that will be covered by the first probability quiz. Hence, I have moved the test prep section to tomorrow and the assessment has been moved to Friday.


Homework: none. (Remember that Khan academy assignment will be due on Friday, though!)


We began working with Addition and Multiplication Rules for Probability. Sometimes, the notation of probabilities feels very abstract, so we talked a bit about set theory and how Venn diagrams can help us visualize some probability problems in more concrete way.


Homework: please complete

- the examples on the Disjoint vs. Independent Notes

- the Venn Diagram Worksheet (both attached)


We spent a little bit of time on the Regression Test we took last week. Some students were not happy with their results, but please keep in mind that you can make corrections until December 1st.

In our Probability Unit we are beginning to discover which rules govern that calculation of particular probabiities.


Side Note on the 1st Semester Project: Students will meet with me individually this week to discuss their project/presentation. 


Homework: p.339/340, #2, 4, 6, 8, 10 - Please be ready to turn these in.


We began note-taking on probability and are now getting into the most fun part of the AP Stats curriculum. Lots of hands-on experiences :)


Homework: Khan academy LTA is due tonight; the next one is already posted and will be due next Friday!


We began work on probability today.


Homework: please complete 100 coin tosses - keep track of the events and be ready to turn this in tomorrow!


We completed our "Regression" test today; along with the end of the first semester project this completes Part II in the AP Stats book "Relationships between variables." 

We will now begin work on "probability" and keep at it until the end of the semester.


Homework: none


Today we went over the test prep packet. Please review that content, and be ready to discuss the effect outliers/influential points/etc can have on regression lines!



Homework: cheat sheet (2.5"x3" - logs may be helpful)


Today we worked on using logs to straighten non-linear data sets. This is the last new content before Wednesday's test!



Homework: Khan Academy LTA is due today; new LTA posted (due next Friday).

Also: look over the test prep packet!


Today we began working on non-linear regression. Specifically, how we can wrangle non-linear data into a form that allows us to use our trusted LSRL model. 


Homework: non-linear regression worksheet (see below); please only work with the graphs - graph the scatterplot and the residuals based on the LSRL. If the linear model does not seem to fit well, use the flowchart on today's notes to find a better one, and sketch that scatterplot and LSRL-based residuals as well.


Today was our last in-class project day. If students turned in their outline (that was due Sunday), they received feedback, if not, they had the opportunity to get help with planning their next steps.


The final project will be due Tuesday, November 7. Please make sure to go through the rubric to ensure your final product isn't missing any important part! (see attached below)


Homework: see yesterday


We discussed problems that might arise when working with LSRL: lurking variables, summary statistics, etc.


Tomorrow we will spend our last in-class day on the semester 1 project - please bring your own laptop tomorrow!


Homework: p. 245-254, #4, 16, 18, 22, 32, 36, 38 (due Thursday) 


We are getting close to the end of working with the LSRL. To wrap things up we covered some of the remnants (computer printouts of regression data, outliers and their effects and the topic of extrapolation.

Over the next few days we will move into non-linear data sets and how to deal with them and then conclude the "regression" part with the Test on 11/8.


Homework: LSRL Final Worksheet


We  spent some time on some last-minute questions and then students completed their Linear Regression mini quiz. Students had the rest of the class period to work on their semester 2 projects.


Apart from spending some additional time on the project next week, students will learn how to work with data that does not appear to be sufficiently linear for Least Squares Regression models.


Homework: New Khan Academy assignment is due Friday, November 3rd​


I'm back :)

To get a feel for how much of the material that was covered in my absence "stuck", students took a formative assessment today. Formative assessment are ungraded assignments that are used to shape instruction.


Homework: review/complete assessment (see attached)



We went over the Formative Assessment, and it appears that students are comfortable with linear regressions. We will complete this segment by taking a short quiz on the content tomorrow.


We also spent some time on going over details for the Semester 1 project. Our timeline has shifted somewhat; since I didn't have a majority of ideas/timelines by Friday, October 20th, "Day 3" of the project as described in the project outline/rubric did not take place in its intended form. I hope to have cleared any misunderstandings, and that everyone is back on track.

Note:  The deadline for a rough draft has been extended to midnight/Sunday night.


The quiz tomorrow should go through very quickly and I hope for students to have some time to work on their projects


Homework: Project Timeline (if still missing), work on project outline, prep for tomorrow's quiz. 



Day 8 of substitute lessons

Students completed a review of material covered during my absence in preparation for tomorrow's assessment.


Homework: none



Day 7 of substitute lessons​.

Students will complete work on linear regression and continue with their semester 1 project​


Student Instructions:


You have two tasks today:​

  1. Continue your Semester 1 Project

  2. Work on missing Khan Academy assignment.



While I have received proposals from most students, quite a few of you still need to re-submit their ideas with necessary revisions. I also still need timelines from several of you.

So, here's what you'll do today: finish the tasks you should have done on Tuesday/Thursday last week (see below). Anything from those two days that still isn't (completed!) in my inbox by tomorrow night will be considered significantly late. Please note that this will start to impact your project grade.



Please go to Khan Academy (please make sure you are on YOUR account!!)

and work on the assignments that are still outstanding. I have extended all due dates through tonight - use your time wisely.


If you are all caught up, feel free to

  • work on your project: start creating data tables, scatterplots and residual plots, type up the 5Ws, etc. or

  • Go through the Khan academy articles/videos or the "hints" in the exercises. If you found one type of exercise particularly vexing, go back in and use the "hints" link at the bottom. It will give you step-by-step instructions on how to solve that particular multiple-choice problem.


Homework: see above. Please finish anything that still didn't get done.



Day 4 of substitute lessons​.

Students spent the day further working with linear regression models. They began work on a packet in class and will complete this for homework. ​


Homework: Please complete the regression 19-22 packet.




Day 5 of substitute lessons​.

Students will work on deepening their understanding of linear regression and work on their semester 1 project​


Student Instructions:


You have two tasks today:​

  1. Continue your Semester 1 Project

  2. Work on specific parts of Linear Regression (see Khan Academy assignment below)



By today, you should have submitted your proposal for your project idea. Unfortunately, quite a few of you have not done so. 

If this applies to you: Before you do anything else, submit your proposal!! I will respond as soon as I can...

Tasks from Thursday, 10-19

  • Review answer to proposal, make changes as needed

  • Create your personal timeline to ensure completion by the due date (November 6th); go  through the report items and set yourself a deadline for completion of each part. Helpful hint: Plan on being done before the “hard” due dates (see below) to leave yourself room for eventualities.

  • Begin work on data collection: find online data, design your own survey or experiment

  • Homework (due Friday, October 20): submit your timeline




Please go to Khan Academy (please make sure you are on YOUR account!!)

and work on the assignments that are due tonight (they will also help with yesterday's homework, in case you found that to be tricky): 


  • Correlation Coefficient Review - Article

  • R-squared Intuition - Article (this one covers the coefficient of determination. The video that follows this article (button on bottom right at end of article will get you there) may be quite helpful if you feel you need some extra support)

  • Residual Plots - Exercise


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at


Homework/Classwork: Make sure you submit a timeline by tomorrow, complete the Khan Academy assignment today, and remember that the LTA is due tomorrow as well.  




Day 6 of substitute lessons​.

Students spent the day working on a spiral review packet in class that covers all sorts of plots and further regression problems. ​


Homework: Please complete the spiral review packet; due on Tuesday, 10/24.




Day 3 of substitute lessons​.

Students will work on new concepts introduced today and begin work on their semester 1 project​


Student Instructions:


You have two tasks today:​

  1. Begin your Semester 1 Project

  2. Work on Residuals (see Khan Academy assignment below)



You are receiving a hard copy of the Semester 1 Project outline and rubric today. Please read carefully through the packet and begin to research topics for Project - remember, be creative! This is the one project where you could actually do something entirely weird/fun/outrageous (as long as it's legal and doesn't violate the Guardian Code) and get almost two test grades worth of credit for it!

Here are some fun ideas to get you started:



And here are some sites that can help with data if you don't want to create your own:



Please go to Khan Academy (please make sure you are on YOUR account!!)

and work on the assignments that are due tonight (they will also help with yesterday's homework, in case you found that to be tricky): 


  • Introduction to Residuals - Article

  • Calculating and Interpreting Residuals - Exercise

  • Interpreting Slope and Y-Intercept for Linear Models - Exercise


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at


Homework/Classwork: Make sure you complete the residuals activity worksheet!




Day 2 of substitute lessons​.

Students completed the section on residuals - we used the Least Squares Regression Activity (see below) as guided class notes. Please see the slides (class notes) below; we now know how the line of best fit is determined mathematically. The slideshows for this week are more detailed than usual; if you find that you still need more explanations, please contact me via email at


Homework: Please complete the Residuals Activity worksheet (see below). This will be due on Wednesday, October 18th and will be collected for a grade.


Note: I have not yet been able to grade Friday's quiz, but hope to be able to do so today.




Day 1 of substitute lessons​.

Students completed their graded (group) assignments today. I have received their work via email and will grade and return them by Monday.


Homework: New Khan Academy LTA, due the evening of 10/20



rescheduled for
Friday, Oct. 13th 

We completed  our quiz review for linear regression today and tomorrow students will

complete their graded assignments. Ms. Phelan will email copies of the completed

assignments to me, and students will be able to receive their graded work back on Monday. 


Homework: quiz prep. No cheat sheet!




Any test corrections and make-up work need to be completed and turned in by this Thursday to be reflected in this quarter's grades!

After taking their SAT, students were only in math class for 20 minutes. This proved to be not enough time to conduct regular instruction. Instead, we went over expectations for next week; see letter below.


Homework: none


Parent and Student Letter from Mrs. J.Anderson:


Dear all;


My father's health has been declining this past year, and a few days ago I received word that I need to go back to Germany to say good-bye. Since my family lives so far away, this trip will have me absent from school from Friday until the 24th of October. I plan to be back in the classroom on Wednesday, October 25th.

Students will be in good hands with our wonderful substitute, Mrs. Petrofes, and will continue to learn and study in my absence. I will be able to update this website daily to include class notes and material, so please be sure to check in here regularly.

Any and all questions can be directed directly to me at, and I will respond by the next day. Should there be any questions about a day's lesson content, please let me know by 9 pm and I will adapt the next day's material accordingly.



J. Anderson




I am afraid that between the technical difficulties on Thursday and the senior day on Friday,

today's attempt at the graded assignment was very unsuccessful.


To ensure students' full understanding and success, I will expand and re-teach Thursday's lesson tomorrow and have moved the assignment to Friday, October 13th, which will put this grade into the

next quarter. 


Homework: go over notes from last week.



We began with a quick linear algebra review and then moved back into the process of

determining the linear regression equation. We covered all official AP formulas connected

to the LinReg equation and spent extra time on how to interpret equations and values in context.


Homework: complete question 5 on the least squares regression line worksheet. (due Thursday)



Because of the senior day, over 92% of the AP statistics students were not in class today.

So, there is no new content for today. Please review notes from this week to be ready for the

graded assignment on Monday.


Homework: None due on Monday, but:

  • New Khan Academy LTA (long-term-assignment), due on Friday, 10/13 - Please note that this is graded on completion. The Khan system reports percentages, but as long as passing grades (above 70) are achieved, I don't require students to re-do the exercises.


We continued work on Chapter 8/Linear Regression. Unfortunately, I experienced some

technical difficulties today and the slides I used were less than optimal. Please look at today's

notes (below) and amend your notes as needed.

In particular, look at the slide explaining the answer to Problem 3b (working with standard


UPDATE ON 10/10: I have removed the old notes; please look at the 10/10 class notes instead



With Senior Day taking place tomorrow, we will not cover new material, and the homework assignment won't be due until Monday.

Monday's graded assignment will cover material discussed Monday-Wednesday only.


Homework: Complete Regression Worksheet, p. 189, #8, 14, 20, 22, due Monday.


We began work on linear regression today. This is the point when AP Statistics becomes a whole lot more like a "regular" math class. Please make sure to have your TI-83/84/84-plus/Inspire with you each day! 


Homework: Regression worksheet (1), #1-3 (see below)


We continued work on Chapter 7/Correlation today and will move on to "regression" tomorrow.

For some "fun" practice, go here to practice your accuracy at guessing correlation coefficients!


Homework: p.165-167, #24, 26, 28, 34, 36



We began quantifying correlation today and students worked through an activity (see below) to discover the possible values of the correlation coefficient.


Homework: P.162-166, #12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22



We used the shortened schedule today to sign up all students for Khan Academy. This website offers a plethora of help with any number of academic subjects, and we will use it at times in class for practice, review , and extension activities.. 


Students are required to sign up for my AP Statistics class by following these steps:

1) Sign up at (or log in if you already have an account).

2) Visit (the “Coaches” tab in your profile).

3) In the “Join a Class” field, enter the class code. Class code: CWHDJM64.

4) You’re set. Now click Home to start learning!

5) Once you have joined the class, I can add you to the assignment roster. I will check several times this weekend, but you might have to wait a little while until an assignment pops up on your home screen.


Homework: None due on Monday; Happy Homecoming weekend!

                     However: LTA (long-term-assignment) on Khan Academy; due on Friday, 10/6


NOTE: Students received their latest test grades today. As always, test corrections for grade improvements are possible.


We discussed the four elements of describing scatterplots (direction, form, strength, and unusual features)


Homework: P.160-162, #2, 4, 6, 8, 10



We began work on Chapter 7. Scatterplots are a topic students have already encountered in Algebra; in AP statistics we will go further in describing characteristics of these plots and finally understand how a line of best fit is actually calculated. 


Homework: none (gala tonight).


We spent the day with homework corrections and extra practice for Normal distributions and will move on to scatter plots tomorrow.


Homework: complete the Normal Distribution worksheet.


We spent the day discussing the Normal model for distributions. While technically still part of chapter 6, the content stand a bit apart and we will return to it when we work with probabilities later in the year.


Homework: z-score worksheet


We took our unit test, so there are no class notes for today.


Homework: none


We completed our test preparations today. Please relax and get a good night's sleep...

The complete correction for the practice test we did in school today are in today's notes;

see below for both.


Note: Test corrections are for the last test are no longer possible! However, test

corrections for the test tomorrow will be possible - until test #3 takes place.


Homework: Create a cheat sheet (3x5 index card, use one side only)


We continued our test preparations today - please use the test prep sheet to prepare!


Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: Key questions on study guide (see attached) 


We started on Chapter 6 today and introduced z-scores as a standardized measure

of variation.


Note: Test corrections are still possible!


Homework: Numerical Methods worksheet, #11-17 (posted on 9/18, see below)


We continued working with numerical representations of data distributions and 

began practice work for the test this week.


Homework:  Numerical methods worksheet, #1-10



We continued work on chapter 5 today and introduced "standard deviation" as a

new concept. Please excuse the confusion from yesterday's homework

assignments; those required - in part - not yet covered material.


Note: we will take our next test on 9/22. I am trying to keep homecoming week free of

tests, and still give the students the opportunity to make corrections before the end of

the quarter.


Homework:  pages 91-100, #10, 24, 38, 40, 42



We completed the "graded assignment today" - students did a great job working in teams and vocalizing their thought process! We are now working on chapter 5 in our textbook - and are finally arriving at the part of statistics that involves calculations.


Homework:  Pages 91-96, #4-10 (even), #30-34 (even)



We went through homework corrections and began our graded assignment (AKA group work quiz).

Due to technical difficulties, we ran out of time and will complete the assignment tomorrow. 


Homework:  page 90, #1 -  please make sure you bring in a copy of the article!



We completed work on chapter 4 (displaying quantitative data) today and will take a short graded  assignment tomorrow. 


Homework:  pages 67-72, # 4, 12, 22, 34; complete "displaying data with graphs" worksheet;

prep for assignment!



We continued work on "describing data" and will complete the segment on various graphs/plots/etc.                 tomorrow. 


NOTE: there will be a graded assignment done in class on Wednesday, 9/14!


Homework:  Pages 68-72, #26 & 28 and #36-42 (even)



We began work on Chapter 4 today. There was a lot of new vocabulary; please review the slides (see below) to make sure you have all your bases covered. 


Homework: pages 64-67, #2, #14 and 16, #20


NOTE: Test corrections are possible. Corrections must be done in my presence: before or after school or during study hall periods and must be completed before the next test date. Students can earn half of missed grade points back. Example: A "70" with perfect corrections will be upgraded to an "85".


We covered chapters 1 and 2 today. They were in part a review of what we did at the very beginning of the year; we are certainly not going to keep up that type of pace!

The test proved to be quite difficult, so I have decided to change how I present notes/material to the students. Expect the slideshows to be far more detailed from now on. This will make it difficult (if not impossible) to write down everything in class - students will have to review the content here - but it will make test preparation much easier. From now on, also expect to see homework assignments from the textbook.


Homework: pages 16/17, #2-10, even, pages 36/37, #8, 10, 14


We took our first test today and will begin work on the next Unit "representing data" tomorrow.


We spent today on our test review (please see document attached under the 9/1/2017 entry). The

solutions are in today's notes, see below. Note that problems similar to numbers 4 and 13 will not

be on the test!

Homework: none - review for the test!



We went over the homework and then took our second quiz.  In preparation for our upcoming unit test,

please consider the test prep/review document below.


Homework: Design an experiment for the "boots" scenario:

A manufacturer of boots plans to conduct an experiment to compare a new method of

waterproofing to the current method.  The appearance of the boots is not changed by

either method.  The company recruits 100 volunteers in Seattle, where it rains frequently,

to wear the boots as they normally would for 6 months.  At the end of the 6 months, the

boots will be returned to the company to be evaluated for water damage. 


We spent time covering a number of "experiment" examples and went over grading expectations

and sample responses (and the corresponding grades) for the AP exam.


Notes for today only just got posted (past 9 pm). I apologize for the delay.


Homework: Observational Study or Experiment?


We covered the basic types of experimental designs and are getting ready to wrap up our first unit:                                  "Sampling and Experimentation," Part II in the syllabus.


Homework: Experimental Design Mixed Practice


We continued working on experimental designs. We began covering some of the basic vocabulary, and students continued work on their own experiment set-up.


Homework: Experimental Design Intro Examples

                     Review with an eye on groups, treatment,

                     comparison and randomization.


We have moved on to experimental designs (see notes below). To get started, we conducted a taste-test experiment.


Homework: Brownie Experiment Write Up


Today was an early release day, so we did not cover new material. We discussed yesterday's quiz and the grading rubric I used (see attached). 

I understand that some of the grades were not what students expected. Please note:

  • I am attempting to use a grading policy that helps students develop the skills necessary to answer actual AP questions successfully in order to receive college credit.

  • I will work with all students to assure that everyone has the opportunity to be successful in this class.

  • As per the syllabus, I will drop the lowest quiz grade per quarter.


Homework:  none


We took the first quiz today. Grades will be posted later today.

We also began work on the next topic: "experiments".

Homework:  Please design a (rudimentary) experiment. Describe the population, the parameter you want to investigate and how you would select a sample. Be ready to discuss your choice with your group tomorrow.


We prepared for our first assessment. Here are some more helpful hints:

- Vocabulary is key. Since we don't have a complete set of books yet, here is a link to UC Berkeley's excellent  glossary .

A few additions to the glossary:

- as far as the CollegeBoard is concerned, a parameter is what we want to know about the population in question, a statistic is the answer we got from our research. Ideally, the two will be (very) close. Example: parameter: average height of a JPII student. Statistic: 5'6" from a simple random sample of 12 students. 

- sampling variability is the fact that no two (random) samples from the same population will ever be the same and thus results will inevitably vary.



Quiz review: Chapter 12 Outline questions


We continued work on chapter 12 (Sampling/Sample Surveys) in our book today; copies of the slides are below. I'm excited to see so many students actively participating in class!

Homework: Another Sampling Design Packet, all problems




We worked on chapter 12 (Sampling/Sample Surveys) in our book today; copies of the slides are below.

Homework: Sampling Design Packet, all problems


I hope to see some of you at Back to School Night this evening!


We continued the random rectangles activity, began discussing the various sampling methods and their advantages and disadvantages and began to use the random number generator built into the calculator. For notes, see below.  

We did not complete the write-up and thus were not ready for homework.

Homework: none (see above)


We covered introductions, expectations and the syllabus (attached below). Please read it carefully.

We also began work on Section II (Sampling and Experimentation) via the "random rectangles activity". No, you do not need to finish this on your own. We will do so in class tomorrow.

Homework: turn in the signature slip from the syllabus


Welcome to the 2017/18 AP Statistics section at JPII! I'm excited to be working with you this year.


Many students were absent today - some due to the AP Literature Exam, others for unknown reasons. Thos who were present had the opportunity to review their test results and to make corrections. Starting tomorrow, we will work on individualized review for the Final and/or AP Statistics exam.



We took the last assessment for the school year. Corrections can still be made, but all grades (including missing/late assignments)need to be turned in by the end of the week (Fri, May 11).


With most students present today, we broke into small groups and students worked on either test corrections, AP Prep test review, or individual tutoring questions.


HW: Keep prepping....


Well, this was the last day.... I will, of course, still be available for review help/individual tutoring during 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th periods next week, but Finals week is here, and regular instruction has ended. It has been a wonderful year, thank you for sharing it with me :)


HW: no more homework :)


It's officially over and done with - AP Stats final was today...

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